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Monday, May 31, 2010



I had this for my breakfast today and it was very yucky! Yes, I repeat, YUCKY!

I always heard compliments from my friends about the McDonald's pancakes and arabic coffee so I got very curious and went to try it out this morning.

The Arabic coffee was miserable. It was tasteless. The pancake was ok but I couldn't eat more after eating half of it. I forced myself to finish it off and I felt like wanted to throw up. Lols ~

I would never want to eat pancakes anymore ~

Saturday, May 29, 2010

College Life

Although I didn't update my blog about two weeks but I feel like it has been months since the last update.

College life is really busy because there are lot of assignments and presentations that I've to do. Just entered the college for about two months and there is an exam waiting for me already. assessment

Gosh, I'm very scared that I would fail in my exam. Yes, this exam isn't really important but still, I don't want to fail. Well, who wants to fail in exam anyway?

Now I only realize that it's not easy to study A'level ~

Therefore, I need Teppei to recharge my energy! He is going to release two albums in summer! YEah! But wait! When is summer? LOL! It's in August if i'm not mistaken? I've only summer in my place so yea, I can't really tell when is summer, winter, spring or autumn :P.

Is it cool to have eternal summer just like mentioned in a poem, "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare? I can be very sure tell you, NO! I've never seen snow in my life! What I've to endure everyday is the hotness and humid weather!

Anyway, I don't mind to endure the hotness that comes from Teppei just like the picture above ~

Monday, May 17, 2010

Final Chapter of Digimon

The ending of the digimon is very touching T.T

I had my teary eyes again when watching all the digimons waving their hands and calling out their masters' name while running to catch up with the train at the same time.

Gosh, there are lots of touching scenes in the final episode. T.T

I feel a little sad and lonely after watching Digimon. I don't know why but maybe I just got too obsessed. Maybe I just found that people in digiworld are far more better than the people around me. Or there could be another possibility that their relationship are really fascinating and I'm fascinated. Lol...time to wake up and I have to prepare for my english literature presentation tomorrow, BORING!

Goodbye, Digimon ~

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Digimon Season 1


I've addicted to digimon. LOL. I watched digimon all day long and the storyline is just great! I'm very afraid to continue watching it because it's going to end very soon T.T

Why didn't I realize it's actually a very good animation? My mom was complaining that I'm too old for watching this but hey, I have a question. Is this really for kids to watch (although it's suppose to be)? The storyline seems to be a little complicated because it's about the digital world and human world. All the digimons are not really living thing although they seem to be living things. They are computer code. But actually, they can be said as living things too because they will die just like humans. Erm...it can be said that they are more than computer code.

I can be very sure that not all the kids can understand this. What they do enjoy to watch are fighting scenes. Pokemon is an animation that more relaxing. I fully understood everything about pokemon when I was a kid but not digimon (but i didn't really watch digimon though:P). Maybe now I've watched most of the episodes in array and not skipping like last time. It's not like I wanted to skip but I couldn't wait it to air on NTV every week at the home. I had to go out most of the time on weekends.

Anyway, Digimon is just great! I love Takeshi the boy who is in green! I had teary eyes in most of the episodes especially the ones toward the end. Their friendship are really strong so do their family bond. They risk their life just to save their partners and family members . T.T I almost cried out when Sora's mom is trying to save Sora from danger. But the thing I hate is, the language! Why it must be in Cantonese?! Their names are very weird! Sora's name has been translated to Ah Hung in cantonese. What a joke...!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Brave Heart - Digmon subtheme

Another great animation that I didn't manage to finish it when I was a kid. In fact, there are lots of animation that I didn't finish them because I wasn't allowed to buy many DVD last time. If we want to watch it on TV, we have to wait a week for the next episode. It's very boring ye know because Digimon has 54 episodes. You need to take a year to finish it off.

Digimon used to be super popular.

Have you played Digmimon Tamagotchi before? Everyone used to have this last time when I was standard 1. I owned 1 too but too bad I dropped it into water T.T

I starting to like Digimon more because Pokemon has become a crap. I love season 1 and season 2 but now Pokemon has so many seasons with so many ridiculous pokemons.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

There's Not Enough Hours In a Day

Why there is only 24 hours in a day?

I don't have enough time to do my things!

I have to go college, take showers, eat my meals, do revision, go tuition, watch tv, read novels, surf internet, sleep, exercise and the most important, Teppei-ing!

How could I possibly do all these things in a day?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bomberman B-daman Bakugaiden

My old-time favourite animation ~

I watched this when I was 8 and now I'm already 18....Time flies ~ I've been watching this for the whole day on a day before my birthday and during my birthday.

I miss this anime so much!! Due to the some reasons, I didn't manage to finish this anime last time but no worries! I bought this last week and finished it in two days! LOL!!! It was awesome!

This anime is very touching indeed although it's a comedey genre ~ Black bomber left the deepest impression in my heart. HE IS AWESOME!

Opening Theme - Japanese Version

Opening Theme - Cantonese Version

Why canto version exists? Because it was aired in HK and it was quite popular last time but now its popularity has been swallowed by time T.T

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My 18th Birthday

The best present ever, 1st letter from Teppei ~

Hehe, it's my birthday at last!

Happy Birthday to Reeve!
Tanjoubi Omedetto ~

It's 2a.m now and I don't feel like want to sleep! I feel very excited!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


My birthday is coming ~~ Hooray!

Too bad I haven't prepared anything unlike the previous years.In the previous years, usually I had bought myself a cake and a present for myself.

Gosh, what am I doing now? LOL....

Argh, I really want to buy Teppei photobook! However, it's way too expensive....sad....

Remembering back last year, there were lot of people sang birthday song to me in the classroom but this year is just...... *speechless*

Whatever, this is not the end of my life and I don't have to be so pessimistic because I don't belong to here. I'm belong to somewhere else *cough*Vancouver & Japan*cough* with my mom.

Hahaha, there is a chinese saying that "Life is just like a drama". I really hope this saying is true because I really want to fast forward my life. LOL! I'm seriously very tired and fed up living in this place. I really hope I'll be able to work in Japan and live in Vancouver.

Why so? Because I want to live with my mom and Vancouver is a place that suits my mom more than Japan. Hahaha....she likes somewhere where is peace and calm. Too bad Japan is totally opposite XD