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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Class Picture

Just took my class picture few hours ago. It was not fun at all. Geezzz....We stood at the same place for around 10 mins?? The school photographer requested us to take formal picture first and kept complaining we didn't stand properly and we didn't tie our ties properly. It took 10 mins for everything to be well arranged.

After that, time for the free style picture. That photographer didn't tell us to be ready and 1, 2, 3 Chik chak~ WTH!!!! I was still scratching my head and thinking for the pose!!! Noooo!! Never thought my form 5 class picture would be that horrible. Whatever la, what a waste I cut my hair for the class picture! Hmp!

PS: Few girls (they don't know each other) said I look handsome with my new hairstyle and a boy said i don't look good with my glasses. Cheh! 4 compliments and 1 critisms...Wakakak~ Majority think I look good today...

Arigato Gozaimasu for those who praised me~~

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