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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I can't believe I was very depressed just now!

What happened to me just now? I was sweating very badly and felt like want to cry because I don't know how to answer some questions....

Now I'm back to my old self again...:P I don't care what I get for the result but I will try my best!


Thanks Teppei for giving me encouragement!

Yes, I definately can do it and I'll try my best!!

I'm proud of you, Teppei <333!

1 comment:

RIVIE said...

me too!!!
sometimes i got really dizzy n the ground seems to spin around me when i cant answer some questions T.T

but its okie..
i just think im not a god!!!
there is st i dunno..right..??
so i think u dun need to be worried ^^
just be confident n try ur best!!!! xD