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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


-.-ll I really hate a day before exam. Why? Because I would have stomach ache and get very nervous. I just hate this kind of feeling. Haizzz...

Went to have a walk with my mom just now and I feel better now. My mom comforted me and she said don't worry and do my best. I was very embarrassed and told her that I've confidence with myself that I will pass and I might retake to get better grade. She answered me I don't have to retake if it meets the requiremnt to apply for the PTPTN (education fund).

I replied to her that I'll pay for the retake fee if I want to get the better grade or any unwanted occurance happens. I guess she knew what I was trying to mean and she nodded her head gently. Although she nodded her head but I think she will pay for me if I want to retake to get a better grade.

Hmm....just try my best on tomorrow's paper

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