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Sunday, October 10, 2010

A day before the exam

Tomorrow is the first day of the AS examination.

I'm really sick of it because I'm now sitting in front of the table studying for hours. This is what usually I don't do. I did my revision sometimes but I wouldn't sitting there for hours just reading the same book and worse, same page. I really hate first day of examination because I guess I've exam phobia. I can't sleep a day before the exam and keep thinking about it such as "OMG, what should I do if I can't answer the questions?" and "OMG, what if they ask the questions that different from what I read in the textbook?" !!!!

I had a major exam about the same time with AS examination in last year. I was blank on the first day and the first paper of the examination. It took me 15mins to convince myself that I was sitting in the exam hall and I didn't have much time, faster write something on the paper. During that time was still ok because that paper wasn't that hard for me.

How about tomorrow? It's lawwww!!!!!! Haiz, I'm very worried. Dang, I want to passssssss!!!!! God Bless ~~~~

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