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Thursday, October 7, 2010

If you say impossible before you even try, you'll never accomplish anything

I was very worried with AS examination but I feel better now.
That's because a quote that said by Teppei in a movie came into my mind.

He says "If you say impossible before you even try, you'll never accomplish anything". Thank you, Teppei :D

That's so true and I only know how to say "I can't do it" is really wrong. So what if the result isn't what I want? At least I've tried !!! At least I don't give up!!!Keep on saying "NEVER or I Can't do it" is really irresponsible and doesn't help anything. Why don't I just try my best? At least there is a hope.

Yeah, I've decided to try my best and no matter what I get for AS examination, I'll accept it ~~~

Besides that, special thanks to my brother because he comforted me and asked me to do my best and not to worry about the grade.

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