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Friday, November 20, 2009

Teppei with glasses (2)

Teppei looks very attractive with glasses!

I think I'll try to buy a glasses and try out this image!

Actually, I've a glasses but it's a cheap quality glasses so I wish I can get a new glasses and I want to look attractive just like Teppei~ Hahahha

Hmm...Teppei looks better with glasses on. Don't you think so? xD


RIVIE said...
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RIVIE said...

kyah kyah kyah~~!!! xDxD
absolutely kute!!!!!!!
i just wanna embrace my computer n kiss him!!haha!!!
i scream everytime i look at teppei w/ his glasses!!!!!
im shortsighted too!!!

[forget to tell u that im shin..heheh ^^
ive got my computer reparied n something gets crazy..=p]

Reeve said...

hahaha...i thought you were a new guest visited my blog~

XD and hahaha....yes, he is too cute!

Teppei's eyes had problem too and he did surgery

RIVIE said...

nope =.=
u didnt read all the comment ..did u..??>.<
i told u im SHIN~!!
n now do u know who SHIN is..??>.<
gahhhh!!! X(