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Monday, November 9, 2009

Stupid Moral Teacher


I don't understand how my moral teacher is able to become a moral teacher!

He doesn't know what he is teaching!!!

OK, he taught us not to change anything for the all the Nilai(s).

The thing that made me LOL the most is:
Nilai Menghormati Hak Golongan Kurang Berupaya - Form 5 syllabus
Nilai Menghormati Hak Golongan Kurang Upaya - Form 4 syllabus

Can you notice what's the difference?
The difference is on the last word, "Berupaya" and "Upaya".

Our moral teacher taught us musn't add anything and it must be original.

So a girl asked the moral teacher which one should we follow.

He said it suppose to be "Upaya" and not "Berupaya". Fine.

The girl replied "But form 5 syllabus is "Berupaya" and not "Upaya".

He started to feel confuse...and told us to refer the papar that he has given to us but it's written "Berupaya". I was like WTH? Then he said "OK, follow the paper" but didn't he say "Upaya" before?

Another girl said the science class's moral teacher taught her like this which is very different with his teaching and he said "Do as I said, I've the license for marking SPM paper and bla bla bla". You must think he is a very professional teacher because he got the license for marking SPM paper, right? Think again! I've bought an exercise book that contains last year question paper and the schema for marking moral paper. It's very different with his teaching too.

Geezzz...No wonder not many people get A for moral subject. Every teacher has their own teaching. How if my paper is sent to the another state that uses another teaching? I daren't to imagine and it depends on GOD's arrangement.


hi_chan said...

ive read ur blog..
huhu.. T.T
gomen ne..
but i dun understand much..
get confused for the words Berupaya n Upaya..=S
oh but just cmt anout ur moral teacher..!!!
i cant understand what kindda teacher he is. =S
know what..??
my civics teacher is annoying too...
sometimes..he is very unreasonable..
yesterday..my friends brought their laptops to class to finish their work for our class..
n they turned on some music..
that teacher walked near my class n heard the songs,perhaps he thought we used skul's computer[we aint allowed to use skul's computer during breaks.]...n came to asked one my fiends if we used the skul's computer..
my fiend siad no..but he told her not to lie him..!!
OMG!!! what an unkind teacher!!
my friend did NOT lie!! =(
some teachers are so.... >.<

Reeve said...


Berupaya and Upaya is just like a word "EAT".

Eat can be written as ate and eaten. It's depends on the situation. So it's just like upaya and berupaya. It's not english but the theory is almost the same. ^^

As for your teacher, haha. If I was your friend, I think i would say This is my com and I'm not lying. Don't shout at me because I didn't do anything wrong. Good for you that you can bring laptop to school. We can't even bring phone!