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Friday, November 13, 2009

Graduation Day

Today is my Graduation Day and it's the last day for me to study in my school. Even so, I still have to go to school for taking SPM (major examination) for another 8 days.

Therefore, my school organized a ceremony for wishing us good luck in examination.

There were lot of teachers talking nonsense and I didn't even bother to listen. They were talking pretty much the same as usual. I was busy thinking about Teppei during that time! Hahahah~

I was thinking about Yankumi, my dream sensei because in the final episode of Gokusen 2, there are having graduation too!

Yankumi is a very young and pretty sensei~

Here is the final episode of Gokusen 2!!!

I love the part when they 5 (Teppei, Mokomichi, Jin, Kame and ???)expressing their appreciation to Yankumi!!! I feel very touching because at the beginning they were all naughty students and Yankumi taught them to be good and sacrificed a lot for them. Later on, they all realized what they doing was wrong and started to accept Yankumi and becoming good students. They've also changed their negative perspective toward teachers and start to do good things.

My eyes were filled with tears when watching Yankumi is crying alone after all the students have left. She is really good in acting!!!!

IN LOVE WITH Yankumi and Takeda Keita (Teppei)

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