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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Something For All Musical Taste

My friend had found this booklet in the plane when she was flying to Melbourne.

It was like a booklet to introduce what programme or music you can watch or listen inside the plane because every seat is given a small TV. My friend saw this under the category of Japanese song and I think they used Teppei as an example for Japanese music~

Hahah...I feel like want to take a flight now just to get that booklet~!


RIVIE said...

yahh!! xD
just wanna take that flight too!! xDXDXD
n i would surely scream like a crazy girl n stare at teppei's pic xD

Anonymous said...

waha! so how much is the flight to Melbourne? I will go there now and snatch all the pamphlets of Teppei haha!

Reeve said...

haha...I'm not sure but I don't think it's cheap though! xD I hope i can go to teppei instead of melbourn because i can get all what i want about teppei!