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Friday, April 16, 2010


Damn, even a stupid english law system book could make me feel upset for the whole day. Haiz, I've decided to buy the photostated or the semi original text book. It's very annoying to wait for others bring me to go Kinokinuya. I've waited at least a week and I can't wait anymore.

I don't know WTH I was so foolish to wait for others. Why couldn't I go by myself? A person like me will never woke up. I really feel disturbed recently when my mom telling me how my aunties mistreated her and about my dad showing black face when he had problem in his office.

Everytime these kind of problems appeared, I would put all the blame on my father's father. Gosh, I don't like him. He's just an old geezer. He rather gambled all his money and asked his sons to pay for his debt than spending those money to educate his grandchildren. How many money did he spend on educating the casino owner's grandchildren? The total was like few bangalows after years.

If not because of him, I might be studying in Japan now. If not because of him, my mom didn't have to open kindergarten with my aunties. If not because of him, my dad didn't have to work so hard and scold my mom to release the stress. If not because of him, I would probably get my original English Law system book now.

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