Today I had lot of fun at school.
We ordered pizzas! This is my first time eating pizza at school. I never thought I could eat pizza at school until the chinese guys at back suggested an idea to order pizza. Thus, I just asked them to buy me a pizza too :) I shared the cost with a girl and I just paid RM5 for getting two slices of Pizza. Hahaha...they asked permission from the class teacher first and she supported them as long they don't get caught!
I got very excited because have you ever heard student order pizza and send the pizza to school? I'm not excited just because of the pizza but the process of ordering and taking the pizza from that deliver man's hand. xD Anyway, I wasn't the guy who took the pizza from him... Haahahaha...
When the pizza has come, they bribed the account teacher by giving him a slice of pizza for not telling this to the fatso disciplin teacher. They also gave the class teacher a slice of pizza for supported them....LOLs~~~
Wakaka...I just paid RM5 and ate the pizza! I didn't do anything but waited for the pizza's arrival. I feel very happy for being a naughty student just like Teppei did in Gokusen 2! Wakakaka!
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