We have lived in Osaka for more than one month and everything seems to be fine. I've already used with the environment and live peacefully here. Besides that, I've become a best friend with Teppei and we will go to school together everyday. Same thing goes to with my mom and Auntie Ayumi. They are very close to each other just like the real sisters. They have the same interest and hobby so they will always hang out together just like today....
Shopping Centre - Osaka
"Ayumi, over here! There is 50% discount for all the clothes. Hurry up before it's too late! Ouch, you stepped on my foot, madam!" Complained by mom to a woman who stepped on her foot unconsciously.
Looking all the aunties grabbing their favourite shirts is really boring and usually children will be abandoned by their mothers. How frustrating to see all the aunties have gone crazy just because of the stupid promotion and left all the children behind. I don't understand how could Teppei be so quiet and just sitting beside me eating his lollipop.
I hit his head and scream, "So boring!!!!"
Teppei seems to get annoyed and whines, "What an unlucky day to wait mommy for hours and now get bullied by a girl."
I get close to him and pull a long face, "So? Are you not happy now? Do you want to hit my head back, huh?"
He pushes my face away and shouts "Go away!"
"Stupid!" I pinch his face for pushing me very hard just now.
Teppei curls his lips and tears have started to roll down from his cheek. Slowly, he cries louder and louder....
Ten minutes later
Food court - Shopping Centre
Mom seems to be worried and apologizes "Sorry, Ayumi. My daughter is really naughty but she............"
"No, It's fine, Yuki. Teppei is a crybaby anyway" says by Auntie Ayumi. " See, he is smile again when he has sweets with him"
Auntie Ayumi looks at her watch and speaks softly, " Teppei, it's time for you to have guitar lesson. Quickly finish your hamburger and be a good boy, becareful with the tomato sauce. Don't make your shirt dirty otherwise you are not a handsome boy anymore"
Teppei enjoys with his hamburger and simply nods his head.
Mum seems to be surprised and widen her eyes "Huh? Teppei is learning guitar even at age of 5? Don't you think he is way too young, Ayumi?"
Auntie Ayumi smiles as she often does "I just want to find some talents for Teppei. Even he is young now but children grow very fast and it might be too late if he didn't start now."
"Eh??? Then I need to let Aiko to learn some musical instrument too, Ayumi."
Auntie Ayumi tells a joke,"Well, Aiko can take up a piano lesson and she can form a band with Teppei, right?"
"Sure!" Mom says it excitedly
What? It might be a great news for my mom but it's definately a bad new for me to stick closer with the crybaby. I look at the Teppei with the feeling of disgusting but however, I burst into the laughter when seeing the tomato source is all over his mouth. Somehow, I feel he is cute.