Today I went to school and attended the most boring meeting in 16 years. Well, today i joined english society club. it's around 180 students joined this club. 80% of the students are chinese. Teacher asked us to suggest any students that you would like him/her to become our chairperson. They suggested 8 students and only two of them are not chinese. Teacher called all the nominees to go out from the class because i guess teacher wanted to give them a "surprise".
So yea...a student i'll name him as MR A was very annoying. He is very racist. He suggested his friend to become chairperson and when teacher was asking who support XXX XXX XXX and that MR A shouted "come on, this is chinese! let's vote him if you're a chinese"
Feel sorry to that non chinese students. They only got 2 and 5 votes.
When they were entering the class one of them said "RACIST" to MR A.
Yes, i agree with that. What for you suggested your friend to become chairperson who isn't really good in english. That non chinese student can speak english very well so i think he is deserves to become our chairperson. anyway, our chairperson is a girl and MR A's friend became vice Chairperson. After that, teacher asked us for the annual fee. He called us to suggest how much do we need to pay. That MR A said " RM10"! It's not really a big amount but it's a lot for school's club. It's just like you are buying a sweet only worth USD2 with USD 10.
Other students suggested:
My friend suddenly became mad and said to me "You guys are rich of course la~" I was like "WTH? What did i do? I was not the one who suggested RM 10. I barely to say anything. Then he suddenly wanted to shout "you guys are rich of course l~" but i could stopped him before he do that. I tried my best to say "Don't say that, that MR A wanted to hear u say him rich only." then he agreed with me. Less than one minute, other people shouted " U R RICH SO RM10 IS NOTHING FOR YOU" I wanted to shout STUPIDDDDDDD but it's too late. I saw that MR A wicked smile. He thinks he is very proud when got someone said that to him. My friend was sitting beside me starting to worry because he said RM 10 is too much. I told him not to worry because no one will agrees to pay RM10 because RM 10 is a crazy idea. As i expected, he was the only one agreed to pay RM10. My friend felt better and asked me how did you know that? Well, it's very simple. I don't think anyone willing to pay RM10 for studies. If game, yea they will pay even it's RM 20 or 30.
After that the majority supported to pay RM2 as annual fee. That MR A shouts again. " YOU GUYS ARE STINGY LA~" WTHHHHH I really wanted to kick him into Grand Canyon. He is so selfish. I afford to pay RM10 too but I didn't suggest that to make a burden for other. If you are really that rich then pay for the poor and do not purposely suggest something that is taxing for the poor one.
PS: I wonder what's wrong with them? Fung scared people find out that he is rich and this MR A he is afraid of other think he is not rich. Geezzz...
The End ~
After skol i went to a shop because i want to buy glasses for fashion. When i looking at the glasses suddenly a promoter came near to me and asked "what can i help". Gosh, i tried myself to speak but she couldn't heard anything and looking at me like i was a freak.
At home, my mom called me. She asked me what do i want to eat. I said "whatever" and she said huh? i shouted "whatever"!! She asked me the same thing again " huh? I was like Then i shouted "WHATEVER"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and felt the pain in my throat....geeezzz....and she said okie...i forgot you lost your voice...bye...
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