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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Third Wave

Oh, another paper is coming again!!!

Just received a sms that I've to go to college for the useful information that can help us to answer the English literature paper according to the the lecturer. I hope it's really useful and I wanna to pass!!!!

Now is 1.00AM (Tueaday) and I have exam on wednesday. I have to study and stay away from the computer again after I switch off the com later. I really hate this kind of feeling and especially when I was alone in the exam hall.

I prefer to stay by my mom's side although she likes to nag sometimes. It's very warm and I feel secured. Anyway, I hope I can pass all the subject so I won't make my mom feels sad.

It's time for praying again. I know I didn't work hard but at least I have improved a little bit if not much? I really need to work harder on next semester. Thinking back when I was still a child, my mom had done a lot for us. Sigh, I don't want to make my mom feels sad and I'm really sorry if I do.

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