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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


-.-ll I really hate a day before exam. Why? Because I would have stomach ache and get very nervous. I just hate this kind of feeling. Haizzz...

Went to have a walk with my mom just now and I feel better now. My mom comforted me and she said don't worry and do my best. I was very embarrassed and told her that I've confidence with myself that I will pass and I might retake to get better grade. She answered me I don't have to retake if it meets the requiremnt to apply for the PTPTN (education fund).

I replied to her that I'll pay for the retake fee if I want to get the better grade or any unwanted occurance happens. I guess she knew what I was trying to mean and she nodded her head gently. Although she nodded her head but I think she will pay for me if I want to retake to get a better grade.

Hmm....just try my best on tomorrow's paper

Monday, October 25, 2010

Owata (It's over)

This is a very cute video ~~~

I was studying and really depressed but this clip lighten up my mood.

I like how Miku Hatsune's reaction: <(^o^)/ YaY! I'm screwed!!

LOL, literally owata means it's over / I'm screwed!!!

It reminds me of my exam. I'm studying real hard now to make a pass!!!

I hope I won't be like Miku Hatsune which I have to do the same reaction: Yeah! I'm screwed <(T.T)/

Just gonna do my best !!! Tomorrow is the last day for me to do revision. I hope I can pass my business studies!!!

Driving License

It's time for me to get a license, I guess.

I wonder that person who promised me will pay driving lesson fee for me still remember his promise.

I'm gonna talk to him after AS examination is over. If he breaks his promise, then I won't be getting driving license because it's not important for me.

I'm really short of money now. I have to pay for the Japanese class fee in Dec and tuition fee. I wanna to buy Hey!Say!JUMP 2010 TEN JUMP concert too! There are too many things I want to buy but too little money for me to spend!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Second wave

It has been awhile since my last update.

I was in holiday mood and being alerted to prepare for sitting another paper.

I have went through the first wave (law papers)and .....

Now, second wave is coming!!!

Business Studies !!!

Dang, I haven't done my revision yet and only 3 days left.

Have to force myself to do some revision today because I have stopped revising after studying chapter 1.

I aim for the pass ~~~

God, please let me pass !!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Paper (Law)

Oh no! I screwed it! Seriously, yes, I did!!!

I wrote 3 pages for question 1, 2 pages for question 2 and 2 paragraphs for question 3. I'm really disappointed that statutory interpretation wasn't asked on the paper!!! I memorized everything even the latim terms but it didn't come out. I feel very hurt that I couldn't write anything about delegated legislation which I though I've mastered it. My brain jammed there!! I should have done some revision on delegated legislation and not only statutory interpretation!!!

I mustn't fail! God, please help! I can't afford of failing!!! Please.... (T.T)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A day before the exam

Tomorrow is the first day of the AS examination.

I'm really sick of it because I'm now sitting in front of the table studying for hours. This is what usually I don't do. I did my revision sometimes but I wouldn't sitting there for hours just reading the same book and worse, same page. I really hate first day of examination because I guess I've exam phobia. I can't sleep a day before the exam and keep thinking about it such as "OMG, what should I do if I can't answer the questions?" and "OMG, what if they ask the questions that different from what I read in the textbook?" !!!!

I had a major exam about the same time with AS examination in last year. I was blank on the first day and the first paper of the examination. It took me 15mins to convince myself that I was sitting in the exam hall and I didn't have much time, faster write something on the paper. During that time was still ok because that paper wasn't that hard for me.

How about tomorrow? It's lawwww!!!!!! Haiz, I'm very worried. Dang, I want to passssssss!!!!! God Bless ~~~~

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kindergarten "Trip"

Followed to my mom's working place.

Haha, I was very happy and I didn't feel much stress and just kept on studying whenever I like and took a break whenever I feel want to. Some kids were cute there. They reminded me when I was in my kindergarten time.


In conclusion, I relaxed more than I studied.

Anyway, I realized that I feel very happy with my mommy and aunties although they do look down on me sometime.

Now, I feel a little stressed because I didn't have much time to study. Let things go natural ~~~

Thursday, October 7, 2010

If you say impossible before you even try, you'll never accomplish anything

I was very worried with AS examination but I feel better now.
That's because a quote that said by Teppei in a movie came into my mind.

He says "If you say impossible before you even try, you'll never accomplish anything". Thank you, Teppei :D

That's so true and I only know how to say "I can't do it" is really wrong. So what if the result isn't what I want? At least I've tried !!! At least I don't give up!!!Keep on saying "NEVER or I Can't do it" is really irresponsible and doesn't help anything. Why don't I just try my best? At least there is a hope.

Yeah, I've decided to try my best and no matter what I get for AS examination, I'll accept it ~~~

Besides that, special thanks to my brother because he comforted me and asked me to do my best and not to worry about the grade.


AS examination is coming realllllllllllll soon!!!!!

4 days left!!!! Sigh...

Have to follow my mom's to kindergarten there and focus on my studies!!!

Hopefully I can get a get a flying colour result!!!

Ganbatteeee!!!! Fight-o!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Facebook Fan page

I don't understand why some people want to create a fan page so badly and delete it later on.

I don't know why but I got really pissed when they decided to delete it without reason when it's a place for all the fans to gather together. Please tell us a reason why this fan page has to be deleted and not simply throwing a tantrum just because of a person's commented something negative. I really get annoyed when the fans were asking for the reason why this fan page has to be deleted and the answer was "because of me me meeeeee"! =.=ll What's that? Morse codes?

Haiz, maybe that fan page is a very small thing for the creator but it means something to me. I feel really happy to chat with the fans at there. Yes, the feeling might not be as strong as hitting the jackpot but at least enough to keep me feel lively.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Final Class

After having away from the class for about three weeks, finally I had a class in this morning.

It wasn't really a class but more to a seminar. I feel better now after attending for the "seminar". It boosts up my confidence.

I will try my best in the exam. :)

BTW, I feel my english is getting worse. Sigh....I've to do a lot of practice!

Monday, October 4, 2010

WaT single and My Fav Girl DVD

These are what I ordered in the early of september and arrived to my house a week ago. :) I only have the time to upload it to the blog now

Actually I only ordered the latest single and My Fav Girl dvd but there are mini photobooks inside My Fav Girl dvd case. So yea, I bought two items but it seems like I bought a bunch of WaT merchandise.

As for the big photobook behind there, I just put it as a background. I bought that long time ago. I never thought those dvds would arrive so early. Much earlier than I expected.

26th September 2010 - That day was really a fruitful day for me