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Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Another dull day....

Morning - busy with the exam paper. I'm going to screw it. Why? Although I could write but I know I won't pass.

Noon - I was so bored... sitting in the train while watching the rain falling from the sky. It could be happier if my friend wasn't there because I like to enjoy the moment of being alone in public.

Night - I got the MVP card from an online game. I was so happy and very disappointed later on because the card has changed its effect. That card is pretty useless now. Oh well, few more mins until Gods of Honour would be on TV. Guess what? My father turned off the TV. It's too late to do anything because I would get scold from him if I open the tv back. It's not like I don't want to stay in front of the tv but there's nothing to watch between 10.30pm - 11.29 timeslot.

Anyway, I know no excuse will be accepted. Though, he would let me to open the tv again but I have to let him to nag me which is a thing I DON'T WANT IT TO HAPPEN. I rather miss an episode than letting him to nag me.

The end. Another day has passed just like that.

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