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Monday, August 16, 2010

I've been complaining a lot lately...

I've been thinking too much and I feel a little unhappy. That thing shouldn't be a problem but IT IS for me.

Sometimes, I really want to give up and stop dreaming. However, that dream brings happiness to me so I don't really want to give up.

Anyway, I've relied too much on it and now it has become back fire. I've put too much of my feeling on it until I can't pull myself out.

Actually, all the problems come from myself, my brain. What for I feel unhappy for something that is none of my business? Don't I have something better to care?

Yes, I do but I don't seem to care about it. My world has turned upsidedown.

There's only way that can make me feel better, however, it doesn't seem to come true...

and...so what if it comes true? It's not my business, but, I really wish for it.

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