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Monday, August 23, 2010

Water Fish

"Water Fish" is a term to describe a fool has done something that bring loss to himself. It's a very famous term for girls to use it on guys after taking advantages from them.

Today, I've been a "Water fish" myself. My classmate asked me to treat them a bottle of mineral water. I'm ok with it because it only costed me RM1.70. I don't really consider has done something stupid on this because a bottle of mineral water isn't really that expensive and if she was asking me to treat her a meal, I would say no. First, I don't want to be "Water Fish". Second, I don't have money and third, I don't want my friends to tease me and say I'm so rich and i like the girl that's why I treat her a meal and etc.

And now comes the biggest reason why I say myself is a "Water Fish". I was looking a card for my friend. I saw two appealing cards. I'm someone who very concerned about the price so I went to check for the price and it's written 2.99 US dolar. After converting it to RM, it would be around RM6. It's still ok, imo. However when I was making payment, the actual prices scanned by the cashier were RM11 and RM16 respectively. I was like shocked and I didn't know why I handed over the money.

After making payment, I rushed back to the cards selling department. I asked the staffs about the price because it's written 2.99 USD and why it turned out to be RM16 and the another one was RM11, total RM27. She checked for me and said: Yes, this is the price. The cashier didn't make a mistake. I was stunned for a moment. Seeing my facial expression, that staff asked me why didn't ask her the price first and "Hallmark" is a branded company.

OMG, Who cares hallmark is a branded company or cheap company?! The matter is 2.99 USD written there! I was like ok, calm down. Nvm, just assume it as a lesson. It's my fault though. I shouldn't pay to the cashier if I found it's too expensive. So what if the cashier has scanned the price? I could just say: I don't want, it's too expensive! Although it's quite awkward to say so but I rather say it than becoming a "Water Fish".

Haiz, I must remember this incident in my mind! I mustn't repeat the same mistake. It's not like I'm a stingy person but these card don't worth it. With RM 27, I could buy a present rather than cards! Well, forget it and take it as a lesson rather than keep ranting the same thing because it's useless now ^.^ LOL, the receiver must treasure my cards because it's not ordinary cards and the most expensive cards I have ever bought...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Another dull day....

Morning - busy with the exam paper. I'm going to screw it. Why? Although I could write but I know I won't pass.

Noon - I was so bored... sitting in the train while watching the rain falling from the sky. It could be happier if my friend wasn't there because I like to enjoy the moment of being alone in public.

Night - I got the MVP card from an online game. I was so happy and very disappointed later on because the card has changed its effect. That card is pretty useless now. Oh well, few more mins until Gods of Honour would be on TV. Guess what? My father turned off the TV. It's too late to do anything because I would get scold from him if I open the tv back. It's not like I don't want to stay in front of the tv but there's nothing to watch between 10.30pm - 11.29 timeslot.

Anyway, I know no excuse will be accepted. Though, he would let me to open the tv again but I have to let him to nag me which is a thing I DON'T WANT IT TO HAPPEN. I rather miss an episode than letting him to nag me.

The end. Another day has passed just like that.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I've been complaining a lot lately...

I've been thinking too much and I feel a little unhappy. That thing shouldn't be a problem but IT IS for me.

Sometimes, I really want to give up and stop dreaming. However, that dream brings happiness to me so I don't really want to give up.

Anyway, I've relied too much on it and now it has become back fire. I've put too much of my feeling on it until I can't pull myself out.

Actually, all the problems come from myself, my brain. What for I feel unhappy for something that is none of my business? Don't I have something better to care?

Yes, I do but I don't seem to care about it. My world has turned upsidedown.

There's only way that can make me feel better, however, it doesn't seem to come true...

and...so what if it comes true? It's not my business, but, I really wish for it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Best Student ~~~

I found a very interesting article! I feel like want to buy this magazine :P Too bad this magazine was very long time ago (T.T)

Japan's Idol magazine JUNON made a survey on 1000 readers to choose 'the best male student', 'the best female student', 'best class monitor', 'king of the school', 'queen of the school' and the 'best class teacher', in the hearts of the student, all of the canidates are the most popular idols now, showing the favorites of the teenagers now towards an idol.
At last, Koike Teppei who has always given a sweet smile and has a cute image was the winner of the 'best male student' with 833 votes, winning Oguri Shun who has only gotten 523 votes.
While 'the best female student' was Nagasawa Masami who acted alot as a high schooler was in first place with 566 votes, followed by a young actress Saeko who got second place with a difference of a few votes, and third place was Aragaki Yui with 326 votes.
Not only that, Nagasawa Masami was also the winner of 'queen of the school' while 'king of the school' and 'best class monitor' won by Oguri Shun and Wentz Eiji. As for the 'best class teacher' was definately won by Nakama Yukie, her kind hearted teacher image in 'Gokusen' gave a good impression to all people.

P/s: I think it's a multiple choice survey. As you can see, many artistes are on the cover of the magazine ~

Friday, August 13, 2010

Somehow, I realize it's better for something to be kept as a secret forever.

Reality is cruel, this saying is so true.

I should go to do revision instead of thinking nonsense here but I just can't concentrate on my work.

I really hope it goes just like what I think.

My biggest wish for now. Hope it will be granted ~~~

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wasting time

Duh, what am I doing here? What else? Wasting time....

The worst is, I have wasted my time on something that I don't willing to waste on it. Such as? Wasting for the bus, sitting silently in my grandma's house, letting my uncle to insinuate me and so on.

Geez, can't I use them on something that is more beneficial? Ok, well, maybe not beneficial but something that I willing my time wasted on it? Such as Teppeing, playing games, shopping, and more. Although, this kind of things are considered as wasting time but they don't really wasting time in my point of view.

At least they bring some happiness to me and not pissed me off. If I can choose where my time can be spent off, I would say travel to Japan where I can see Teppei and traveling at the same time.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Wasted Weekend

I totally pissed of in these two day!!

Where should I start the story?

On this friday, I went to CC while waiting for my mom to come back from her workplace because I forgot to bring my key. I found a very interesting game called Red Alert 3 Uprising! I was addicted to this game and I wanted to buy this game so badly. Despite I was a dimbo in computer thingy, I still insisted to buy this game.

On the next day, I walked to the nearest PC game shop which wasn't really near to my house and bought the game. As a result, I couldn't play the game because I had no idea how to install it. I spent 3 hours on it to look for the matter but the result was still the same. I followed the instructions from internet and somehow I made it worse, the game crashed and bla bla bla. Well, what is game crashes? Who knows?

I felt very pissed off because Mock exam is coming and I thought I could play a game to enjoy myself before facing the mock exam. Therefore, I went to search a game on internet called Dreamer RO because I saw my friend playing this few days ago. It looked very interesting ~~~ However, the snail moving internet connection totally spoiled my mood because it required me to download the game about 8 hours!

OK, fine! I ON my com for the whole night just to download that game. Unfortunately, it got DC on the half way!!!!!

I WAS LIKE TOTALLY PISSED OFFFFFF!!!!! I've just wasted my weekend without doing anything!!!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Oh No!

I'm seriously in trouble!

AS examonation is in Oct which is another 1 and 1/2 month to go and I'm still very blur in studies!

Mock exam is JUST two weeks later! Sigh, I've to study really hard but then there is something disturbing my mind. Hope it just goes like what I'm hoping for.

Plzzzz....God....PLZzzz...grant my wish so I can study without any worries.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

WaT (君が僕にkissをした ) New Song ~


Nice to see them being together again!
I prefer Teppei as a singer more than an actor ~~~

He has focused more on acting field in these years and I really miss his songs especially their classic song, Bokura No Love Story ~~

Glad to know that he's gonna to release another single in September.
Can't wait for his new single in September!!

Anyway, I'm gonna enjoy his current single first :)