"Water Fish" is a term to describe a fool has done something that bring loss to himself. It's a very famous term for girls to use it on guys after taking advantages from them.
Today, I've been a "Water fish" myself. My classmate asked me to treat them a bottle of mineral water. I'm ok with it because it only costed me RM1.70. I don't really consider has done something stupid on this because a bottle of mineral water isn't really that expensive and if she was asking me to treat her a meal, I would say no. First, I don't want to be "Water Fish". Second, I don't have money and third, I don't want my friends to tease me and say I'm so rich and i like the girl that's why I treat her a meal and etc.
And now comes the biggest reason why I say myself is a "Water Fish". I was looking a card for my friend. I saw two appealing cards. I'm someone who very concerned about the price so I went to check for the price and it's written 2.99 US dolar. After converting it to RM, it would be around RM6. It's still ok, imo. However when I was making payment, the actual prices scanned by the cashier were RM11 and RM16 respectively. I was like shocked and I didn't know why I handed over the money.
After making payment, I rushed back to the cards selling department. I asked the staffs about the price because it's written 2.99 USD and why it turned out to be RM16 and the another one was RM11, total RM27. She checked for me and said: Yes, this is the price. The cashier didn't make a mistake. I was stunned for a moment. Seeing my facial expression, that staff asked me why didn't ask her the price first and "Hallmark" is a branded company.
OMG, Who cares hallmark is a branded company or cheap company?! The matter is 2.99 USD written there! I was like ok, calm down. Nvm, just assume it as a lesson. It's my fault though. I shouldn't pay to the cashier if I found it's too expensive. So what if the cashier has scanned the price? I could just say: I don't want, it's too expensive! Although it's quite awkward to say so but I rather say it than becoming a "Water Fish".
Haiz, I must remember this incident in my mind! I mustn't repeat the same mistake. It's not like I'm a stingy person but these card don't worth it. With RM 27, I could buy a present rather than cards! Well, forget it and take it as a lesson rather than keep ranting the same thing because it's useless now ^.^ LOL, the receiver must treasure my cards because it's not ordinary cards and the most expensive cards I have ever bought...