Today is 31st december of 2008. Meaning, this is the last day of 2008. :)
Therefore, I'm going to countdown at night.
Yesterday I asked my father to give me back my handphone on today so i can use it tonight to call my friend. Without my handphone I can't contact my friends at all. When my mom helps me to ask my father to give back my handphone, wahh...his face turned into black immediately and very harsh to ask "WHY?"
My mom replied that tomorrow i've to go to countdown so give me back FOR A DAY ONLY. He quickly asked if he gives back the phone to me then what would he use? My mom said you can use the old one. He said Noonononono! I've to work it's very troublesome if I got no handphone.
Reeve: I wonder if he got brain inside his head. Firstly, that is my handphone. It's nothing wrong if I want back my phone when I need it. Second, I only want it for a day! Why need to reject my request? I gave you to use my handphone for months but you can't give it back to me for a day? Third, if you know that old phone isn't working properly then why you changed it to me? You are really a "good" daddy! You're better than thief!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas is coming
-new.jpg)'s been long time I didn't update my blog. Nobody is here anymore. Eveyone is gone. I think I've to make my blog alive back once I'm free.
Christmas is coming so I don't think I can make it.....Let's see...whenever I'm free, I will update something for you guys.
P/s: My dad took my phone and I'm using an old phone. So I cant post any nice pictures for you guys. Just hope I got new phone one day. ^^
Thursday, November 6, 2008
English Essay
I didnt update my blog for a while and today, i think is time for an update. I just got back my english test paper and i wrote a very funny essay.
Here i go...

It was raining cats and dogs yet, I had to go out because my friend, Sally invited me to attend her Halloween party. I knew it sound crazy to have Halloween party in Malaysia but what could i do? Others seemed interested with sally's idea.
My best friend, Paul told me Sally was trying to make fun on me because her best fried, Nancy finally agreed to become my girl friend. Actually,I didn't believe what Paul had told me because he always making fun on me too. The clock showed it was 7 o'clock and I had to hurry because I needed to send Nancy to Sally's house.
We arrived at Sally's house at 8 o'clock. She was staying in double-story house and we saw they were having fun inside the house. The light had changed to green colour while they put some pumpkins outside of the house and a few bats were hanging on the ceiling. It doesn't look spooky but funny and stupid for me.
Just a few mintues later, Sally came out from her house. She wore just like a witch and I guessed she was pretending a witch from animation series called Horlick. When we entered the house, I saw all of my friends were wearing ghost costume. Paul, my best friend was wearing a coat. Soon, I realized two sharp teeth in house mouth. Although I didnt feel excited or happy with this boring party but Nancy looked very excited and happy.
After That, Sally brought us to a room which had a big wardrobe. Inside was full of ghost costumes. I really couldn't think whatb should I wear but at last I followed Paul to dress up like a Vampire. Of course, I would be his lord because I wanted to pretend Dracula. About 15 minutes, Nancy knocked my door and I went out. She was really beautiful. She was wearing an angel costume. Well, it didint make sense for me to wear like an angel in the Halloween party but, whatever, as long as she likes.
When we reached the sitting room everyone was gone. They were nowhere to be seen. It was really quiet and Nancy started to worry. She made a call to Sally but no one answer the call. Later on, I felt angry because how could they left us here? Nancy seemed a bit upset and I tried to comfort her by giving her a kiss.
Suddenly, everyone jumped out and shouted "Happy Halloween"! Both of us were in shocked but later I remembered what Paul had told me. How stupid am I not to believe my friend. As I expected, Sally was trying to tease me because just now i was trying to kiss Nancy. Nancy and I felt embarassed and we turned away and laughed.
505 Words
The end~~
Here i go...

It was raining cats and dogs yet, I had to go out because my friend, Sally invited me to attend her Halloween party. I knew it sound crazy to have Halloween party in Malaysia but what could i do? Others seemed interested with sally's idea.
My best friend, Paul told me Sally was trying to make fun on me because her best fried, Nancy finally agreed to become my girl friend. Actually,I didn't believe what Paul had told me because he always making fun on me too. The clock showed it was 7 o'clock and I had to hurry because I needed to send Nancy to Sally's house.
We arrived at Sally's house at 8 o'clock. She was staying in double-story house and we saw they were having fun inside the house. The light had changed to green colour while they put some pumpkins outside of the house and a few bats were hanging on the ceiling. It doesn't look spooky but funny and stupid for me.
Just a few mintues later, Sally came out from her house. She wore just like a witch and I guessed she was pretending a witch from animation series called Horlick. When we entered the house, I saw all of my friends were wearing ghost costume. Paul, my best friend was wearing a coat. Soon, I realized two sharp teeth in house mouth. Although I didnt feel excited or happy with this boring party but Nancy looked very excited and happy.
After That, Sally brought us to a room which had a big wardrobe. Inside was full of ghost costumes. I really couldn't think whatb should I wear but at last I followed Paul to dress up like a Vampire. Of course, I would be his lord because I wanted to pretend Dracula. About 15 minutes, Nancy knocked my door and I went out. She was really beautiful. She was wearing an angel costume. Well, it didint make sense for me to wear like an angel in the Halloween party but, whatever, as long as she likes.
When we reached the sitting room everyone was gone. They were nowhere to be seen. It was really quiet and Nancy started to worry. She made a call to Sally but no one answer the call. Later on, I felt angry because how could they left us here? Nancy seemed a bit upset and I tried to comfort her by giving her a kiss.
Suddenly, everyone jumped out and shouted "Happy Halloween"! Both of us were in shocked but later I remembered what Paul had told me. How stupid am I not to believe my friend. As I expected, Sally was trying to tease me because just now i was trying to kiss Nancy. Nancy and I felt embarassed and we turned away and laughed.
505 Words
The end~~
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
First Creation
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Forgot to write my name on English Exam Paper

Today oppss no..suppose yesterday now is already 12.30 A.M. It should be yesterday so yea yesterday i had english exam. It was divided into two paper which we called English Paper 1 and English Paper 2. Paper 1 wasn't bad and i could do it. It just requested us to write two essay which : Smoking bla bla bla and the second essay given us 5 choices and i chose narrating essay (it was easy XP!)
The first essay about smoking bla bla. I got no idea at the beginning and finally i done it but i think it was not that good. Second essay, narrating essay and I good in creating story and they needed us to write 350 words but i wrote 505 Words. Lol, it was very funny and got kiss scene..Muahahaha...
OK, after i did all the essay and just finished on time but later on i realized i FORGOT TO WRITE MY NAME! ARGGGGGHHHHH!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mathematics Test

This morning i was having exam. It was really difficult. As I expected i couldn't do a thing. My weakness is mathematic you know? Since i really didnt know a thing so i decided to copy XDDD. It was fun i tell you XP....
My image has ruined already because i never copy their answer before. This is my first time copying their answer and normally they will asking me the answer of another subject such as history, local language, and english. But it is okey. Tomorrow we will having history test and it is my show time although my history not that good but at least i wont fail and this time i studied + tips given from my Hing Dai Ji the result is...NO PROBLEM (hopefully)....wakakakaka
My image has ruined already because i never copy their answer before. This is my first time copying their answer and normally they will asking me the answer of another subject such as history, local language, and english. But it is okey. Tomorrow we will having history test and it is my show time although my history not that good but at least i wont fail and this time i studied + tips given from my Hing Dai Ji the result is...NO PROBLEM (hopefully)....wakakakaka
So what do you think I was doing during the exam time? I was dreaming, sleeping, copying, and playing (well, using two pencils and hit each other like the movie of star wars, childish rite? But nothing i could do at there)! I was thinking how to make me look cool at 24 oct and what should i eat when i reached pavillion. Lolss. That's lot and i cant remember anymore. Tomorrow i dont have free time to do such thing anymore because history really got not enough time for me to do!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
First Time Wearing Glasses!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Raymond's "Your Love" album Receives Platinum Gold

Today, in his album "Your Love" celebration, Raymond received the PLATINUM RECORD DISC. Becoming the FIRST artist in TVB to get the platinum disc. (Note: Andy Lau left TVB before starting his singing career.)
Raymond expressed that he is very happy to see his hardwork and efforts has been paid off and that his album has sold a lot. He also gave his deepest sincere thanks to all his fans who has been supporting him.
Credits: Raymond's Baidu
Additional news:
Raymond's "Your Love" album sold more than 30,000 copies, breaking the original set amount of number of albums to be sold to get the "Platinum Record Disc" award. The celebration party was held in Wan Chai. Raymond personally invited Virginia Lok and Stephen Chen to attend this celebration.
Reeve: Wow, raymond you are really awesome!^^
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Final Exam has come!!

Starting next week I will have my final exam and it will takes three weeks long although i only take exam for 9 days but it is still during in examination period and i will feel uncomfortable. The worst news is fung is coming on my second week of examination...
BTW, who cares about exam? I don't really care but I do care my mom scolds me..LOL..
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Stupid People - Really wana to KICK his A**

Well, if you stepped on somone's hand, leg, toes or whatever that you not purposely stepped on it, what would you say? Sorry? Or you scold back the people that you stepped on it? In my house there is a person scolded my mom after he not purposely stepped on my mum's hand (i think) and he scolded and angrily stared at my mom and said: Am i purposely to step on you?
How crazy he is..and he is really a barbariam! He never admit he is wrong. PPl stepped on him and he will scold people and he is really a sucky person. I hope i can move from this house and never stay with him in my life!!!! I just be patient and one day i will one kick on his face!!!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Random Pictures

Yesterday Raymond Lam arrived in Mainland to cut the ribbon and attracted more than 1000 audiences. There is one person who wanted to see Raymond and did not care about safety, they climbed up to the top of the bus station shelter, the scene was very dangerous! Raymond couldn't even described how terriflying the scene was.
Raymond Lam arrived in Mainland yesterday to help a jewelery store opening to cut the ribbon, there were many people that came to see him. The crowd filled from all four corners of the store to across the street of the store. The excited fans even climbed up to the top of the bus station shelter to see him. The security at the scene immediately place barrier tapes around the station for saftey reasons. But when Raymond appeared, the audience became more aggressive, they all moved foward and even pushed down the metal railings
Reeve: It was really crowded and packed!! O.o
Thursday, October 2, 2008
New Award!

They make the new award for the TVB award. It is most welcomed artist. How to win that award? It is just very easy! I'm sure you can help! Please visit his blog and if his blog is the visited the most by visitor then he will be the winner!!
So here is the link:
Please have a visit!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Going to my Auntie's house again
Monday, September 29, 2008
Terrible Day

Today is horrible and terrible day. I finally realized and i will try to wake up from this dream. I wont tell what dream is that. I've realized this world must depend on ourselve and do not put our hope on parents, siblings, cousin. Because now like me, when you woke up from this dream. It's really damn hurt. I don't know what should i do now but my dad just got his present from his god daughter and he is happier than the present from my mom, brother and I given to him.
And Listen, the clothes that we gave him cost RM100++ and his god daughter's cloth only cost RM20. Maximum, RM30. Look at the quality...and he was more happy than the cloth than we gave to him. Anyway, I really got no feeling about him anymore. I'm too disappointed with him and today i felt very sad because of my idol, Fung. I dont feel hurt of my dad's action but fung's action....?? I will feel very hurt!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Happy Family
Currently playing Harvest Moon and finally i get married and i have given a birth to a child. Now, i have my own family. A truly happy family!

That guy is me. I called myself as HKFung. The girl standing beside me is my wife. Her name is Muffy.

The baby standing next to me is my son. His name is Fung^^

My son called me to race with him but since he is still a little baby so he cant speak properly and said "wace" instead of race.

My family in Harvest Moon...
That guy is me. I called myself as HKFung. The girl standing beside me is my wife. Her name is Muffy.
The baby standing next to me is my son. His name is Fung^^
My son called me to race with him but since he is still a little baby so he cant speak properly and said "wace" instead of race.
My family in Harvest Moon...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Random Picture - Mo Ching
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
School Pictures
Heehee...I was wearing school uniform. Did you see the pant behind me? I'm get ready to have a shower. It's damn hot and not good for my skin. Look pale? Yea, i got low blood pressure. Would faint if didn't drink orange juice for long time.
See!! Got pimples! Not handsome
We are sitting beside the wall so this is our drawing on the wall. Do you see two bats? It is my drawing. Naughty leh?
Try to guess which one is my bag? Please highlight to see the answer. Answer: black colour bag
Someone stole my fren's table and we couldn't find that table so we decided 4 people sharing 3 tables. Cool leh?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Fung's Limited Edition Album
Friday, September 19, 2008
Random Post- Pictures
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Bias Comment from my Dad

Credit: Raymond Forest
How dare you say that!?
Just two days ago was Mid Autumn Festival so i went to my father's side grandparents house. My mom was the one who responsible to cook. I really don't get why my dad refused to accept the truth that my mum's cooking is delicious? Not only me say that but even my father's mother and his younger sister and brother which is my grandmother, uncles and aunties.
My dad criticized my mom's cooking for many times such as saying "very difficult to eat" and "not delicious". But the problem is it is my mom's cooking realy that bad? Nah, i really dont think so. My mom's cooking is okey but if you say compared with top chef in 5 star hotel it is unreasonable.
It is okey if my dad said my mom's cooking is bad but he always praised his mother and younger sister cooking are awesome. He even said their cooking is equal to chef who is working 5 star hotel. OMG...Isn't that abit over? And just now he said again his younger sister's cooking is awesome again. The prawn is well cooked by her youngster sister and my mother suggested his younger sister to cook on the next festival. I seriously to say that i wont eat! You criticized my mom's cooking is bad and i won't eat even a little of your cooking. That's me!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Vacation Pictures!!
My true face...
My friend took this picture while i was sleeping...T-T
Another pose~ Peace
Oh my god! My eyes are very small! This is not my true face! Just because it is too windy and because of sun ray so i can't open my eyes
disney cookies! Babyfung likes to eat this...hehe^^
This picture is taken when i was on the way to home! Nice view, right?
Nice house, isn't it?
Do you see the stairs? It is heading to top of the mountain and there is a hut waiting us at the top of mountain! But guess what? We couldn't make it. The stairs are really narrow and long. There got many hut which you can have a rest after a short journey to the top of mountain. We stopped at first hut and We are not weakling! We just didnt have preparation! I was wearing sandalls so can u imagine that?
I took this picture when i was inside the car on the way to place where i had my dinner^^
Traffic Jam @___@ i thought village will not traffic jam but looks like i was wrong..
This picture is taken from the house of my auntie during dusk...
This picture is taken when i was in the car on the way to Ipoh (another state in malaysia)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Random Post
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