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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend)

This series is really nice and I've finished watching this on today's morning around 3AM.

What I'm going to say on this is: Sad! Touching! and Funny!

Sob Sob...I had teary eyes when I was watching the final episode~
It was so sad and sooo touching~~

In the beginning, I liked Hiro because he gave me a very good impression in Lovely Complex as Teppei's friend. But when the story was starting to develop more, I didn't feel the same anymore. His role is very plain and nothing interesting...Ah! Hiro looks very short when he stands beside Mokomichi although he is 180cm. LOL~ Mokomichi is really freaking tall!

I used to dislike Aibu Saki as Izawa but then I slowly to love her. She is just great in this series although she was very annoying in the beginning but she saved herself from getting annoyed in the last few episodes. I love to see her burst into tears and hugging mokomichi when mokomichi was comforting her + playing that song. It was so touching! T.T

As for Mokomichi in this series, he has done a great job as a robot! It's very sad to see him being ignored by Izawa although he has done so many things for her. Seeing him dying was very sad and touching. I almost cried when he's expressing all his feeling to the scientist(the robot creater) in the last episode and did not want to upset Izawa as he knew he was dying.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

SPM Result

Just a blink of eyes, three months have passed.

SPM result will be released very soon~

My friend told me it would be on 12 March but it's confirmed by a teacher that SPM result will be released on 11 March!

OMG, I gonna faint~
So scary!!!!

I hope I can get good result in SPM~
*God Bless*

Sunday, February 21, 2010

72 Tenants of Prosperity

Went to watch this movie just now!

This movie is quite good and very funny. It's worthy to be watched although it seems a bit plotless. But what do you expect when so many artistes being put together in a movie?

I'm so sad that Fung's appearance is less than 5 mins! Charmaine's role is very very very small! Fala's doing good here and she looks pretty! Can be say the prettiest out of the casts!

Ron was very weird with his glasses. He looks very nerdy!

Nancy Sit was very cute with her japanese animation maid costume. LOL~

Aimee Chan's appearance is so random! She just came out for asking "Is your mom a woman?" and "Is your brother a boy?"


I know there are many artistes' appearance are very random but Aimee's is really speechless. Most of their appearance do have connection with the story but Aimee is just too random but nonetheless very funny!

Bosco and Stephy's relationship are very irrelevant and added for fun, I guess.

Anyway, they have so many great casts in this movie and overall, this movie is enjoyable~

Thursday, February 18, 2010


If I was not so stupid,
If I was not so lazy,
If I was not so sturborn,
If I put more effort,

I wouldn't have to worry about my SPM result....

If I did not play too much,
If I did not sleep too much,
If I did not dream too much,
If I was hardworking,

I could have getting good result in SPM....

If I was richer,
If I was better looking,
If I was taller,
If I was better,

I wouldn't suffering of low self-estreem....

If I was independent,
If I was wiser,
If I was well-disciplined,
If I was reliable,

I wouldn't be seen worse than my elder brother....

If I was manlier,
If I talked louder,
If I act ruder,
If I could be more fierce,

I wouldn't be teased by my uncle....

If I was friendly,
If I was talkative,
If I was good in joking,
If I could socialize with others,

I would have a lot of friends and not just being a "replacement"....

If I could speak Japanese,
If I could understand Japanese,
If I could write Japanese,
If I could understand one more language,

I wouldn't think myself good-for-nothing....

If I could speak better in English,
If I could write better in English,
If I could understand better in English,
If I could do well in English papers,

I would feel at least there's an achievement in my studies....

If I had a good father,
If I had a good listener,
If I had a good friend,
If I had someone can be trusted,

I wouldn't feel I'm being left out sometimes....

If I was a lawyer,
If I had money,
If I had fame,
If I was a young caliber lawyer,

I could have gone to Japan for vacation!

If Teppei was my friend,
If Teppei was my relative,
If Teppei was my sibling,
If Teppei was me,

This would be interesting!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Final Fantasy version of PS3~

It looks very nice but the controller is a bit pale and looks very cheap just like the PS1. I love the black colour controller because it looks classy ~!


This controller is much better! It's very unique!!!

Wish to get one!

I hope I can become a lawyer ASAP so I have money to buy whatever I want without everyone's permission~~

Hohohoho~ *God Bless*

Friday, February 12, 2010

Reunion Dinner

So handsome~

Another ten minutes until Chinese New Year Eve!

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone who celebrate CNY!

I have just came back from reunion party and I had so much fun there~

I feel very full now because I ate too much!

They were busy singing "K" while I was busy eating shark fins~

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Somehow I really feel tired of my life.

My father is someone who likes other people than his own family and my mom is overprotective and hypersensitive.

About my father, I've no feeling toward him anymore. What he likes to do, just go ahead. I won't bother and just like yesterday. She suddenly scolded my mom because my mom didn't ask her "do you want to eat?". How stupid and nonsense.

This is how the story goes....
I had gastric in yesterday morning. My mom asked my father to eat dinner first because I had just recovered from gastric but he refused and kept saying "we will go to eat dinner once we have bought everything". So, my mom went to buy some "dim sum" for me to eat while we were buying drinks for Chinese New Year celebration because it was around 9 something but we hadn't have out dinner yet. She was afraid of me having gastric again.

Suddenly, my father's godson and goddaughter all came to meet my father at that cheap supermarket with their parents tagged along. He was so happy and forgotten to lead his mother (my grandma) to the carpark =.=ll.

When we were driving to the food stall, he suddenly bursted out "What kind of human are you?". He repeated the same quote and refered to my mom. "I've been here with you since just now and you didn't ask me whether want to eat "dim sum" or not!" added him. My mom was shocked and replied "Didn't I buy you something just now and you didn't want to eat?".

Dear visitors, the following quote said by my father is really absurb. "You should buy for me and I want to eat or not is different story". My mom just kept her mouth shut and my father was taking the advantage and kept scolding. Gosh! What kind of human he is? I'm not saying to my mom but my father!

My mom bought something for me to eat! He was jealous just because of that? OMG! This is my first time to hear such kind of story. A father feels jealous when his wife bought some food to their son. He even asked my mom that if she will feel angry if he buys something for other people to eat and not for my mom.

I'm sorry but I've to use capital letters for following sentences. IS HIS BRAIN RUSTY OR SOMETHING? HE BUYS FOOD FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO EAT. MY MOM BUYS FOOD FOR ME TO EAT. CAN'T HIM TELL THE DIFFERENCES? To be honest, we don't have any feelings toward him. I used to be very angry when he treated us unfairly but all these have become history. I don't bother whether he gives money to his godson or goddaugther during their birthday and we don't have any. It's his money and I never cared anymore.

Although I don't have a good father but I have a good mother and Teppei but my mom does annoy me sometimes. She seems like has generation gap and doesn't understand what we trying to say or mean sometimes.

PS: Finally i got a chance to write T-E-P-P-E-I. ^-^