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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Report from a kindergarten teacher

I've worked as a kindergarten teacher for 1 month and it's very boring to be a kindergarten teacher. Those parents are very annoying and there is something that I'm not happy working at there. They always talk something unpleasant about the public schools (they don't call public school as public school but something not pleasant to be heard). They talked like chinese schools are so good and better in all aspects.

Anyway, there is something that I don't understand. Why do they request teachers to speak english with their children? Aren't they love mandarin a lot? The problem is they don't even understand what I was talking about and I was looked like a clown. They made fun of me due to my accent. They couldn't understand what I was teaching when I used English and I was made fun by them when I spoke in mandarin.

Besides that, another thing that annoyed me is I have to stay back until 7pm. Gosh, I don't have time to do my things! I can't go to buy WaT calendar and I can't go to check whether Teppei's dramas/movies have been released. It's really inconvenient! I thought they have found a teacher to replace me but they didn't do so. I thought my job as a kindergarten job has ended but actually, it's not. They asked me to continue.

My mom allows me to resign but my auntie doesn't let me to do so. It's really torturing to wake up at 6 in the morning and reach my home at 8 something in the night. I'm still fine if this is a job that I like. But NO! I have to listened to those irritating conversation. Those parents always act so high class but actually they are not! Can you imagine someone arranges his/her child to tuition 7 days in a week when she is just standard 1? Gosh! I don't call that as clever even she gets straight As in UPSR in future but she has to otherwise I will call her stupid!

A friend of mine got full As(5 As) although he didn't tuition. Therefore, in my eyes, those parents are overact and afraid of losing. They can't accept someone is better than their kids. Seeing all this, i can't help but just have a good laugh on them for being naive.

You can control your children now but you can't when they have grown older. It's because studies are getting hard and even parents themselves can't answer the questions. Well, tuition 7 days in a week but still getting low mark is really ironic. Most of the residents in this area are really as dumb as a rock and never seen how big the world is. I've seen many kids do well in their examination although they don't have any tuition classes. Not only that, but they are also well-behaved unlike those I'm teaching who are stupid but arrogant which is just like their parents. Urggh....

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