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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween


Hehe...Teppei is cute, right? xD

Teppei CM

xD Teppei is so handsome and kawaii~~

I want to use that pimple cream because look at his face! It's flawless!! Maybe my face will just look like him cough*handsome*cough after using that cream...


Friday, October 30, 2009

Life is really horrible~~

Life is really terrible....

Someone has hurted my feeling,

My pride has been torn apart....

I'm sorry because I was born as a boy....

Why MR Daddy's family like to do this to me?


Why do you want me to feel ashamed in front of everyone? Do I really act like a girl? Nobody say that anymore. Why do you have to ask "why did I born as a boy?" all over again in front of everyone?

I can't choose to become a boy or a girl.

However, what MR Daddy's bro said is not the reason I'm feeling sad now. It reminded what my MR Daddy said to me when I was 13 in front of everyone at my Big grandma's funeral. Why your family like to do that to me? Small Grandma said that to me, my uncle said that to me and even you, Mr Daddy.

I've stopped writing negative post for quite a long time and I put all my attention to Teppei in order to make myself happy but WHY Mr Daddy wants to bring me back to this cruel world? I don't want to see your face! I don't want to see your family's faces! Isn't this enough that you have lot of godsons and goddaughter out there and yet, you still want to insult me? Why did I do to you?

I feel I was humiliated when MR Daddy's bro pulled my collar and peeked inside my shirt to see my body if I've the same body figure just a girl.

How foolish!

I don't know what to say and what to do with them.....

To where I belong to...

Anyway, I'll try my best to let this unhappy moment to be washed away....
And I'm feeling better now after hearing my angel's voice....

Thanks to God and my Dearest Teppei....
I know I could have collapsed without YOU...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Teppei Calendar

credit: YESASIA

Woohooo~~ Finally they have released 2010 version of WaT calendar.

Awww....I wanna to get this so badly. I wonder where could I get this? I think I've to go Kinokinuya at the KLCC to ask about their calendar. The calendar is around US$32.39. If we convert it to RM then it would be around RM90++. OMG, that's too expensive for a calendar. T3T I've to buy that although it's too pricey. I hope they will give me some discount to make the hole in my wallet smaller.

Moreover, I've to sacrifice my pocket money just for my Teppei!

Another great picture taken from the calendar~

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today I had lot of fun at school.
We ordered pizzas! This is my first time eating pizza at school. I never thought I could eat pizza at school until the chinese guys at back suggested an idea to order pizza. Thus, I just asked them to buy me a pizza too :) I shared the cost with a girl and I just paid RM5 for getting two slices of Pizza. Hahaha...they asked permission from the class teacher first and she supported them as long they don't get caught!

I got very excited because have you ever heard student order pizza and send the pizza to school? I'm not excited just because of the pizza but the process of ordering and taking the pizza from that deliver man's hand. xD Anyway, I wasn't the guy who took the pizza from him... Haahahaha...

When the pizza has come, they bribed the account teacher by giving him a slice of pizza for not telling this to the fatso disciplin teacher. They also gave the class teacher a slice of pizza for supported them....LOLs~~~

Wakaka...I just paid RM5 and ate the pizza! I didn't do anything but waited for the pizza's arrival. I feel very happy for being a naughty student just like Teppei did in Gokusen 2! Wakakaka!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Asato(Teppei Koike) who resembles an ordinary youth, actually has an unknown ability, he can take others’ injury and pain , but the price will be its pain will shift to his own body.

Takeo(Hiroshi Tamaki) who discovered Asato’s ability to shift things brought him to a game shop to test his ability. While Takeo was inside the shop, Asato was grabbed by a few thugs to rob him of his money. Takeo had a sscuffle with the thugs and injured his hand. With gratitude, Asato’s healed Takeo’s hand, thus taking the pain and injuries onto himself.

Thus , this is the beginning of a strange friendship…..

Another great movie starring by Teppei <3333 It's very sadd~~~ Teppei has the ability to transfer wound to himself and to other. Due to this reason, his parents were afraid of him and thought him like a monster. His father blamed his mother for giving a birth to a "monster" and mistreated them. This situation didn't go long until one day her mother had enough of being tortured so she killed her own husband. His mother even wished to end her son's life and stabbed him with a knife. To stop himself from paining, Teppei transfered the injury to his mother and she was being caught for mudering his husband and live in prison.

However, Teppei didn't feel sad or disappoint for what his mother had done. He moved to a place where is near to his mother. He visited his mother in prison and hoped he can live together with her. Unfortunately, his mother didn't feel touch by his action and scolded him. She put all the blame on Teppei for destroying her happy family and wishes he was never born. Teppei was truly hurt for what she said this time and transferred all the victims' injuries in an accident to himself. He wanted to prove to his mother than he is not evil and wishes his mother can forgive him for transfering the injury to her.

Personal Note: I truly cried out when I watched until this part....What a horrible parents he has.....

This handsome Teppei picture is taken in KIDS....Handsome and cute ^^

Friday, October 16, 2009

Teppei in Gokusen 2

Minna san! This is a MUST WATCH VIDEO CLIP!!!

What? You're not a fan of Teppei?
Come on! Just spend your 4 mins isn't that much right? Besides that, the song is pretty good too! You can enjoy the clip while listening to the song and watch my Teppei at the same time! You won't loss anything!Give it a try, OK?

Huh? You're a fan of Teppei!! Then YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS NO MATTER WHAT! There is no excuse for you not watching this!!!!!! Okay, now be a good boy/girl and watch his brilliant performance, ok? ^^

OMG, My Teppei is sooooooooooooooooo handsome ~~~
It's very hard to resist such a charming face!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blondy Teppei


Miss him with his hair in blonde colour...hahaha...

This must be long ago and he is very talented to play two musical instrument <33333

Awwww...I miss Gokusen 2 period! He was really cute with his blonde colour hair!

Although the clip's quality isn't very good but Teppei is still very charm though <33333

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Forbidden Love - Chapter 2

We have lived in Osaka for more than one month and everything seems to be fine. I've already used with the environment and live peacefully here. Besides that, I've become a best friend with Teppei and we will go to school together everyday. Same thing goes to with my mom and Auntie Ayumi. They are very close to each other just like the real sisters. They have the same interest and hobby so they will always hang out together just like today....

Shopping Centre - Osaka

"Ayumi, over here! There is 50% discount for all the clothes. Hurry up before it's too late! Ouch, you stepped on my foot, madam!" Complained by mom to a woman who stepped on her foot unconsciously.

Looking all the aunties grabbing their favourite shirts is really boring and usually children will be abandoned by their mothers. How frustrating to see all the aunties have gone crazy just because of the stupid promotion and left all the children behind. I don't understand how could Teppei be so quiet and just sitting beside me eating his lollipop.

I hit his head and scream, "So boring!!!!"

Teppei seems to get annoyed and whines, "What an unlucky day to wait mommy for hours and now get bullied by a girl."

I get close to him and pull a long face, "So? Are you not happy now? Do you want to hit my head back, huh?"

He pushes my face away and shouts "Go away!"

"Stupid!" I pinch his face for pushing me very hard just now.

Teppei curls his lips and tears have started to roll down from his cheek. Slowly, he cries louder and louder....


Ten minutes later

Food court - Shopping Centre

Mom seems to be worried and apologizes "Sorry, Ayumi. My daughter is really naughty but she............"

"No, It's fine, Yuki. Teppei is a crybaby anyway" says by Auntie Ayumi. " See, he is smile again when he has sweets with him"

Auntie Ayumi looks at her watch and speaks softly, " Teppei, it's time for you to have guitar lesson. Quickly finish your hamburger and be a good boy, becareful with the tomato sauce. Don't make your shirt dirty otherwise you are not a handsome boy anymore"

Teppei enjoys with his hamburger and simply nods his head.

Mum seems to be surprised and widen her eyes "Huh? Teppei is learning guitar even at age of 5? Don't you think he is way too young, Ayumi?"

Auntie Ayumi smiles as she often does "I just want to find some talents for Teppei. Even he is young now but children grow very fast and it might be too late if he didn't start now."

"Eh??? Then I need to let Aiko to learn some musical instrument too, Ayumi."

Auntie Ayumi tells a joke,"Well, Aiko can take up a piano lesson and she can form a band with Teppei, right?"

"Sure!" Mom says it excitedly

What? It might be a great news for my mom but it's definately a bad new for me to stick closer with the crybaby. I look at the Teppei with the feeling of disgusting but however, I burst into the laughter when seeing the tomato source is all over his mouth. Somehow, I feel he is cute.

The Forbidden Love - Chapter 2

Story begins...

We are moving to Osaka due to my father has been promoted and sent to work at the main branch company in Osaka.

"Honey, here we are. Come to have a look. Do you like our new house?"

"Wow! The house is very big and beautiful, isn't it? I hope three of us can live happily together in our new house and in such a beautiful environment"

"Good evening!"

A woman comes out from her house and greets us. She has a very friendly smile on his face and there is a boy hiding behind the woman's back and peeking on us shyly. I wonder who that boy is....

"Good evening" replies from my mom while bowing to the woman. "Nice to meet you. My name is Fujiwara Yuki and this is my husband, Fujiwara Kazuma."

"Nice to meet you too, My name is Koike Ayumi and this is my son, Koike Teppei". Mrs Koike pulls her son from her back and said, "What are you suppose to say, Teppei?"

"Good evening, Uncle and auntie. I'm Koike Teppei." said by the boy shyly.

"Wow, what a goood boy!" Mum pats on his head asks, "How old are you?"

"Errr...." Teppei seems to be very nervous and says, "5".

"Oh, this is awesome! My daughter is 5 as well. I think they can go to the school together. Isn't it, honey? requests by my dad happily.

My mom smiles which is a sign agrees with my dad.

Suddenly, that boy comes to me and stutters, "Www..What..Isss...Yoouur...name?"

"Fujiwara Aiko" I tell him.

"Do you need any help from us, Mrs Fujiwara? asks by auntie koike.

"Just call me Yuki and thanks for your kindness".

After that, Teppei's parents are carrying our home furnitures into our house while I'm playing happily with Teppei.

To be contiune...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oniyome Nikki

Oniyome Nikki or Oniyome Diary in english is a MUST WATCH japanese drama !

What's the story about?
Mizuki Arisa and Gori star as husband and wife in this TV adaptation of a popular Internet blog. Oniyome Nikki is a true account of the life of a husband who is abused daily by his wife. The drama will depict the exchanges between the couple - the misery and the (unintentionally) comic moments.

Relationship chart

Well, I don't need to explain much on this. As you can see, there are 3 pairs of married couple. Teppei is a gym instructor for the second(middle) and third(below) housewives.

Although Teppei made appearance on this series but he has a lot of screen time too. He is the one who is still single and everyone called him as brat. Teppei is a very busybody in this drama and always stand by women's side. LOL. He always ignored his girlfriend and treated her coldly but finally, he realized that he loves his girlfriend the most. Besides that, Teppei is very cute and energetic in this series. Wakakaka

Hehehe...Teppei is being attacked by women!! xD LOL~~ They all molesting my Teppei!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Homeless Student

Finally! I've watched this at last! It took me 7-8 hours in total to download this. BUT! It does worth it.

The storyline is very sad as Teppei (Hiroshi) was 14 years old student and he had to went through all the hardship. Although he was just 14 years old but he was very matured and did not want to burden his brother's life and went to live alone at a park. He kept this under secret and he did not have enough money to buy himself a meal so he had to drink pipe water for 5 mins to overcome his hunger.

Besides that, he had to take shower under the rain and eat grass and cardboard to fill up his stomach. However, through the homeless life, Teppei (Hiroshi) learnt important things as a person.....

At last, he has grown up and become a successful comedian at the age of 19! Congrats!!!

This is a very sad and touching movie!!! Great acting, Teppei! <333

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Am I gay?


I know it's very funny to talk about this all of sudden. A friend of mine (*cough MR. Hon Sang *cough) accused me that I'm gay because of all of my favourite artists are male. But is it true? Do I like male artiste ONLY? Honestly, No! I like female artists too just like Ayumi Hamasaki, Nakama Yukie, Tamaki Nami and more. But there is something that I can't deny is I love male artists more than female artist. Don't ask me why. I don't know either.

I just interested with male artists more than female artists. Just now, Chris, a super fan of Teppei asked me whether I'm gay because I wrote I LOVE TEPPEI on our MSN conversation. I was stunned. Do I really look like gay? LOL....my answer to Chris was NO because I used to like a girl who is 4 years older than me. Unfortunately, she has a bf now. Afterwards, I was unsure with the answer given to Chris and changed to "Maybe I'm BI"!

Why do I say so? If I was given a chance to live with Teppei, I would say yes! I know boys usually don't think other boys are cute but I really think that Teppei is so cutee and handsome! I really like him so much, hahaha! But there is something that could be argue that I'm not Gay is I only like Teppei so much. I used to like Lam Fung very much but I've transferred all my love to Teppei. Besides Teppei, I
don't like other boys anymore.

As for girls, I loved a girl before and I don't mind to have a relationship now but that also depends if I found my beloved. So, it's very hard to decide or know if I'm a BI. Hahahaha.....Maybe all my love towards Teppei is just a fan's love but I really can't tell you. LOL....

Anyway, I personally think that I'm not gay because I really not interested with any boys except Teppei. I was attracted by a girl but not now anymore and I'm not interested with the girls around me. I do like some hot Japanese girls on the TV, LoL. So you gotta tell me if I'm gay. To be honest, I don't really care if I'm gay, BI or straight because we are all human and those people who have bad attitude are worse than them~

For all the boys who have read this, you don't need to avoid me after reading this because I'm not really interested with you as I stated out above. I hope you won't be the second Hon Sang who is used to afraid of me (because I like Teppei and Lam Fung). That's silly if you are afraid of me because seriously, I think i'm straight and even I'm gay I will only gay toward Teppei so you don't need to worry. The reason I post this out is just because this is my blog and this is where I say everything out that inside my heart.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Teppei is cute!

LOL....I know this post is very random but I can't sleep if I don't write down everything in my heart. I'm watching Teppei's PV (PV=MV, but for Japanese refer it as PV) and HE IS REALLLYYYY CUTEEEE while playing snowball with Eiji!!! Not forget to say that his hairstyle was really awesomeeee!!!! OMG!!!!! He's just too good and can't be described with words. I wish I could born a baby boy just like him!!!! Well, finished writing and wanna to serve you guys with a Super Cute Picture of TEPPEI!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mid-Autumn Festival

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival and I wanted to go to buy Doraemon mooncakes just now. I saw those mooncakes were selling at Jusco since last week and I wanted to buy because they were very cute. However, when I've reached Jusco they were closing the stalls and packing the mooncakes into boxes! OMG! I was too late and I have to wait next year to taste the Doraemone mooncakes~~ T.T

After that, nothing special and went to my grandpa's house. Chat, chat, chat, chat and then go home. However, I had so much fun chatting with them. ^^

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all my blog's visitors!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baby Teppei

I've just found some of Baby Teppei's pictures and wish to share with you guys!!

Look at his face! He's so cute and chubby! Kawaii, ne?

Ah~~~ Cute!!!

Baby Teppei with his little brother~

Baby Teppei with his baby brother...

Ganbatte!!! Run faster!! Add Oil!!

What are you doing, cutie babe?