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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Dream College

Today many representatives from collegues came to our school to let us to have a better understanding of their college. My "dream" college of coz would be Help College. Muahaha. I have asked some info of that college and it costs me 160k in total to study my law course...

It's quite taxing

However, it is including the fees of studying in UK for a year. Is it pricey or a reasonable price?

BTW, I heard BrickField College is the best college for studying law. So, I will gonna to ask more info about BrickField college after SPM...

and Seems like everyone doubting about my capabilty of studying law and I really have to work harder.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Random Post

My mum was cleaning my room and she kept nagging how messy my room was. Since she nagged a lot so I planned to make a fun by saying "Wow, you sure talk a lot" in happy face but she became angry and said everyone accused her like that. She even dug out all my aunties' stories how they said my mother's mouth is not good ( like to criticize other). Seriously, I did not mean that and I don't think it is an insult by saying "Wow, you sure talk a lot?". I'm sure she doesn't feel that way if this sentence is said by my brother. In fact, my brother said that before but she didn't feel that was an insult.

If she doesn't understand me, it's fine. It's not the first time. I'll remind myself to keep silence next time. After that, my annoying father called me to help him pull the plastic bag which contains rubbish from the box. It stucked in a box. So, I just pulled it and the plastic bag was going to rip. I asked my mum what to do because if I contiune pulling it, the plastic bag will be ripped. She called me to pull it and it's ok if the plastic big has ripped. I just followed the order and my father saw that and scolded me. Hello, first of all, you want me to follow whose order?

It may be small matter in your eyes but when you get scolded you will understand. Nevermind, I just used to it for so many years. Bias to my brother or what, I do not care anymore. I don't act like back then anymore. Get angry for the small matter. Get angry because my brother's room has aircond but I don't have it. These are no longer a problem for me because I care Raymond Lam more. Some people keep saying I'm so stupid why need to do so many things for Raymond Lam. He doesn't know what I did for him. Who doesn't know that? As long I'm happy that's enough....

BTW, I found anime can make me happy too....:P
One Piece: Luffy!! Zoro!! Nami!! Usopp!! Sanji!! Chopper!! Nico Robin!!!
All my favourite characters and I'm waiting for them (my friends in future who act like them) coming to my world....Muahahahah!

Friday, June 19, 2009


At 7 p.m, I have to go to a restaurant in somewhere to celebrate Father's day with my grandpa. I don't feel like going after hearing how my mum has been bullied by my aunties at her working place. How she has been bullied I lazy want to tell because it's really a long way story and now my stupid father has just showed his temper to me!!

I really can't stand him and I will definately move out from this house when I'm capable in future. I just back from school and taking rest (updating my blog)and he called me to take off my school uniform to be washed. @#$%^&*!! Can't you just let me to take a rest?

5 mins later....

Ok, I've took off my clothes and put it in a pail already. Then what's up? He asked why I didn't eat his bread. I just speechless because today I bought sandwiches from Jusco and I ate it so I feel very full now. He asked me whether want to eat it and I said no. Good, now he's gone crazy. He said "If you don't want to eat then I will eat it" in angry tone. STUPID!! EAT!! WHO WANTS TO EAT YOUR BREAD? YESTERDAY I DIDNT BUY ANYTHING TO EAT AND YOU DIDN'T BUY ANY BREAD FOR ME TO EAT AND TODAY I JUST HAD MY SANDWICHES AS LUCNH AND YOU BOUGHT SANDWICHES FOR ME.

What's wrong with you? Stop acting like Jesus Christ! I DON'T BUY THAT!!!
I'm sure he will complain to everyone that I don't eat his bread and it's useless to be good father and so on. Please, Please!!!!! If buying breads to a son can be consided as good father then I would say It's pretty easy to be a Good Father! I've treated some poor people to eat bread and What? Am I a good father to them?

What has done is done. I don't like you. I don't like you force people to do something. I don't like you to be rude to my mum. I don't like you being unreasonable. Whatever, I will never forgot your word "Who cares if my son didn't take care of me? If they are such kind of people, I can't do anything too".

Stop acting you did the right thing in everything. I know why you didn't bother that. You have a bunch of goddaughter and godson. If we do not take care of you, you would think they will. Think again! If you got nothing to buy for them, see they will call you as "kai yeh" or "kai dai".

I'm not heartless as you. I will still give money for you to use and if you call me to stay under the same roof with you, then sorry! I can't make it. I've to give all my love to my mother because she really deserves it!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Saturday

Yoz, it's time for me to update my blog again. I know I don't have much visitor lately but it doesn't matter. Just update for fun^^

Two days ago, I went to see Fung at Bukit Jalil Stadium. It was Elkan Concert.That concert took 6 hours and Fung appeared for 15 minutes as a guest. Don't think this was a superb concert when it called as Elkan Concert! It's more to award ceremony which ELkan company were giving awards to their top sales. It bored me to death!!!!!

Normally, I would be half dead when listening to principal talking crap during the assembly but during Elkan concert I felt nervous. LOL. Fung did give me spirit and I've waited him for 6 hours!

Finally, he came out and he sang four songs! His voice was excellent, splendid, marvellous, bravo and etc...LOL! When he is gone, many people were leaving the stadium. LOL, Elkan made a wise choice because they arranged him to come out at the final.

PS: I shook his hand!!! Oh my GOD, his hand was very smooth...LOL...well, he is borned to be "not ordinary" rich of course he wouldn't do much house chores. XD Now, I'm waiting for my Ayumi Hamasaki to come to Malaysia. I know it only has a very slim chance but it's not impossible! Hahahah~