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Monday, March 23, 2009

Another crisis in my home!

Sigh...sigh....today is suppose a happy day but I went late to home and get scolded from my parents. Hmm...this time, i think is really my fault because it was already 8.00p.m when I reached my house.

I'm sure you feel puzzle why I did go home late. It's just because I went to look for the cross pendant and watched Dragon Ball: Evolution. It was only 5.45 when I was leaving Time Square but because of the damn bus, I had to wait for 45 mins and reached my home's bus stop at 7.50 p.m. I wanted to make a call first but i was afraid if the bus come when I going to call my parents. when reached the bus stop, I ran from the bus stop to my house even carrying the heavy bag...

When I reached home, Wow, my father flamed me directly. He bla bla a lot and my mum called so many people to find me already. I feel so embarassing. If would be good if I get off from the bus and call my mother first but I can't be so selfish because I was not alone and my friend was taking the same bus with me and she is a girl plus, her house is just beside my house.

If you are asking me why don't I call my mum before that, I only can say that I didn't expect the lateness of stupid bus and my mother usually come back at 9.00p.m. I have no idea why she came back so early today. My mom asked my youngest auntie whether she knows if i go anywhere because I have a very good relationship with my auntie and my auntie said i went to watch dragon ball with Kher Huey (my dearest HDJM) but my mum didn't believe that. Luckily, my auntie stood on my side when my parents were flaming me. Oh, TQ my youngest auntie. You are so nice~ Love you forever! Now i can cleary say that you are the another person that can make me happy besides Fung.

Haiz, the thing making me sad is even my auntie knew where did I go but not my mum...maybe it's not her fault but my fault because not telling my mum the thing in my heart. Anyway, I really think this time is my fault because being a so irresponsible boy. I'm going to be 17 but I still.....sigh.....

Oh, God. Please forgive me....

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