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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Forgot to write my name on English Exam Paper

Today oppss no..suppose yesterday now is already 12.30 A.M. It should be yesterday so yea yesterday i had english exam. It was divided into two paper which we called English Paper 1 and English Paper 2. Paper 1 wasn't bad and i could do it. It just requested us to write two essay which : Smoking bla bla bla and the second essay given us 5 choices and i chose narrating essay (it was easy XP!)

The first essay about smoking bla bla. I got no idea at the beginning and finally i done it but i think it was not that good. Second essay, narrating essay and I good in creating story and they needed us to write 350 words but i wrote 505 Words. Lol, it was very funny and got kiss scene..Muahahaha...

OK, after i did all the essay and just finished on time but later on i realized i FORGOT TO WRITE MY NAME! ARGGGGGHHHHH!

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