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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Going to my Auntie's house again

Yoz! Now is 6.0.1P.M and i'm preparing to go my auntie house. My auntie staying in Ipoh and well, i took lots of picture last time, remember? Yea, i going there again. So this time maybe i will take alot of picture also. And not to talk more because i got no time...Ciao~

Monday, September 29, 2008

Terrible Day

Today is horrible and terrible day. I finally realized and i will try to wake up from this dream. I wont tell what dream is that. I've realized this world must depend on ourselve and do not put our hope on parents, siblings, cousin. Because now like me, when you woke up from this dream. It's really damn hurt. I don't know what should i do now but my dad just got his present from his god daughter and he is happier than the present from my mom, brother and I given to him.

And Listen, the clothes that we gave him cost RM100++ and his god daughter's cloth only cost RM20. Maximum, RM30. Look at the quality...and he was more happy than the cloth than we gave to him. Anyway, I really got no feeling about him anymore. I'm too disappointed with him and today i felt very sad because of my idol, Fung. I dont feel hurt of my dad's action but fung's action....?? I will feel very hurt!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Family

Currently playing Harvest Moon and finally i get married and i have given a birth to a child. Now, i have my own family. A truly happy family!

That guy is me. I called myself as HKFung. The girl standing beside me is my wife. Her name is Muffy.

The baby standing next to me is my son. His name is Fung^^

My son called me to race with him but since he is still a little baby so he cant speak properly and said "wace" instead of race.

My family in Harvest Moon...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random Picture - Mo Ching

gosh..damn cute and handsome..lol..watching this series now....his move is really cool and can u imagine he keeps needle in his hair?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

School Pictures

Heehee...I was wearing school uniform. Did you see the pant behind me? I'm get ready to have a shower. It's damn hot and not good for my skin. Look pale? Yea, i got low blood pressure. Would faint if didn't drink orange juice for long time.

See!! Got pimples! Not handsome anymore...lol...

We are sitting beside the wall so this is our drawing on the wall. Do you see two bats? It is my drawing. Naughty leh?

Try to guess which one is my bag? Please highlight to see the answer. Answer: black colour bag

Someone stole my fren's table and we couldn't find that table so we decided 4 people sharing 3 tables. Cool leh?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fung's Limited Edition Album

Includes 6 postcards and 3 MVs:-
Love No Regrets-
After tomorrow (wit Vincy)-
Lover and Sea

Hey, this one is limited edition of fung'a album!

I really hope i can get this album! This edition has more feature than the other!

I really want this edition of album badly!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Random Post- Pictures

Today I only got two pictures to post. Enjoy~

Try to guess where were we playing this? We were playing this in a food shop. Playing while eating. It's fun!

My english homework...Sienzzz...always copy from the text book..ZZZzzzz

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Funny picture of The Four

Credit: Raymond Forest

Just a question: What are they doing? Having a nap? Or having party?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bias Comment from my Dad

Credit: Raymond Forest
How dare you say that!?

Just two days ago was Mid Autumn Festival so i went to my father's side grandparents house. My mom was the one who responsible to cook. I really don't get why my dad refused to accept the truth that my mum's cooking is delicious? Not only me say that but even my father's mother and his younger sister and brother which is my grandmother, uncles and aunties.

My dad criticized my mom's cooking for many times such as saying "very difficult to eat" and "not delicious". But the problem is it is my mom's cooking realy that bad? Nah, i really dont think so. My mom's cooking is okey but if you say compared with top chef in 5 star hotel it is unreasonable.

It is okey if my dad said my mom's cooking is bad but he always praised his mother and younger sister cooking are awesome. He even said their cooking is equal to chef who is working 5 star hotel. OMG...Isn't that abit over? And just now he said again his younger sister's cooking is awesome again. The prawn is well cooked by her youngster sister and my mother suggested his younger sister to cook on the next festival. I seriously to say that i wont eat! You criticized my mom's cooking is bad and i won't eat even a little of your cooking. That's me!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vacation Pictures!!

My true face...

My friend took this picture while i was sleeping...T-T

Another pose~ Peace

Oh my god! My eyes are very small! This is not my true face! Just because it is too windy and because of sun ray so i can't open my eyes

disney cookies! Babyfung likes to eat this...hehe^^

This picture is taken when i was on the way to home! Nice view, right?

Nice house, isn't it?

Do you see the stairs? It is heading to top of the mountain and there is a hut waiting us at the top of mountain! But guess what? We couldn't make it. The stairs are really narrow and long. There got many hut which you can have a rest after a short journey to the top of mountain. We stopped at first hut and We are not weakling! We just didnt have preparation! I was wearing sandalls so can u imagine that?

I took this picture when i was inside the car on the way to place where i had my dinner^^
Traffic Jam @___@ i thought village will not traffic jam but looks like i was wrong..

This picture is taken from the house of my auntie during dusk...

This picture is taken when i was in the car on the way to Ipoh (another state in malaysia)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Random Post

Hi, it's me, Reeve! I will update my blog once again^^! So I think i will start on tomorrow...because now is quite late already...Fung^^