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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Report from a kindergarten teacher

I've worked as a kindergarten teacher for 1 month and it's very boring to be a kindergarten teacher. Those parents are very annoying and there is something that I'm not happy working at there. They always talk something unpleasant about the public schools (they don't call public school as public school but something not pleasant to be heard). They talked like chinese schools are so good and better in all aspects.

Anyway, there is something that I don't understand. Why do they request teachers to speak english with their children? Aren't they love mandarin a lot? The problem is they don't even understand what I was talking about and I was looked like a clown. They made fun of me due to my accent. They couldn't understand what I was teaching when I used English and I was made fun by them when I spoke in mandarin.

Besides that, another thing that annoyed me is I have to stay back until 7pm. Gosh, I don't have time to do my things! I can't go to buy WaT calendar and I can't go to check whether Teppei's dramas/movies have been released. It's really inconvenient! I thought they have found a teacher to replace me but they didn't do so. I thought my job as a kindergarten job has ended but actually, it's not. They asked me to continue.

My mom allows me to resign but my auntie doesn't let me to do so. It's really torturing to wake up at 6 in the morning and reach my home at 8 something in the night. I'm still fine if this is a job that I like. But NO! I have to listened to those irritating conversation. Those parents always act so high class but actually they are not! Can you imagine someone arranges his/her child to tuition 7 days in a week when she is just standard 1? Gosh! I don't call that as clever even she gets straight As in UPSR in future but she has to otherwise I will call her stupid!

A friend of mine got full As(5 As) although he didn't tuition. Therefore, in my eyes, those parents are overact and afraid of losing. They can't accept someone is better than their kids. Seeing all this, i can't help but just have a good laugh on them for being naive.

You can control your children now but you can't when they have grown older. It's because studies are getting hard and even parents themselves can't answer the questions. Well, tuition 7 days in a week but still getting low mark is really ironic. Most of the residents in this area are really as dumb as a rock and never seen how big the world is. I've seen many kids do well in their examination although they don't have any tuition classes. Not only that, but they are also well-behaved unlike those I'm teaching who are stupid but arrogant which is just like their parents. Urggh....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just to say Hi

Hi, It's time for an update again!

Well, as we know January is going to end and February is just around the corner. I'm doing fine as a kindergarten teacher with a very low paid salary. However, i havent started doing anything that i promised myself to do last year. This saying "Easier to say that done" is so true because I haven't achieved anything that I wished for.

I don't think I can go to Japan in this year and my youth will be just wasted like that! I have no choice but to delay the trip until next few years~ What a disappointment~

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Celebrity Worship Syndrome

What is Celebrity Worship Syndrom?
Celebrity Worship Syndrome is an obsessive-addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved with the details of a celebrity's personal life

Further Info:
Psychologists have indicated that though many people obsess over glamorous film, television, sport and pop stars, others have unlikely icons such as politicians or authors. The only common factor between them is that they are all figures in the public eye (i.e., celebrities). The term Celebrity Worship Syndrome is in fact a misnomer.

Types of Celebrity Worship Syndrome (CWS)

This dimension comprises attitudes that fans are attracted to a favorite celebrity because of their perceived ability to entertain and become a social focus such as “I love to talk with others who admire my favorite celebrity” and “I like watching and hearing about my favorite celebrity when I am with a large group of people”.

The intense-personal aspect of celebrity worship reflects intensive and compulsive feelings about the celebrity, akin to the obsessional tendencies of fans often referred to in the literature; for example “I share with my favorite celebrity a special bond that cannot be described in words” and “When something bad happens to my favorite celebrity I feel like it happened to me’”.

This dimension is typified by uncontrollable behaviors and fantasies regarding scenarios involving their celebrities, such as “I have frequent thoughts about my favorite celebrity, even when I don’t want to” and “my favorite celebrity would immediately come to my rescue if I needed help”.

credits: wikipedia

After reading all these, are you one of the victims of CWS?

If you are one of them, what type CWS are you?

I'm in Intense-Personal type. I can't stop thinking about Teppei and whatever happens on hims is just like happening on me. I do concern about his health when swine flu disease is getting serious. I do concern about him whether he catches a cold when he is working in the cold environment and so on. I do concern about him if he get bullied by other people. I know I have thought many things to scare myself but yeah, someone told me that I should have faith on him as he is able to take care of himself.

Hehe, guess I'm crossing the borderline. I shouldn't act like that way but it's really hard to control because it's mentioned in above that Teppei and I are sharing a special bond~

OMG, Te-chan <3333

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Day To Be Remembered~

Sexy~ :P

5th Jan is a great day because a talented young musician was born into this beautiful world~

A day that will not be forgotten by his fans...

An awesome day that must be celebrate by his fans...

A day for the young musician becomes wiser and better!

Otanjoubi Omedetto Te-chan~
Wish all your dreams come true!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy 2010

Happy New Year, everyone!

A new year with a new wish!
A new year with a new goal!
I want to learn Japanese so I can communicate with Teppei and I love Japanese culture very much so it's not bad to learn Japanese anyway~

Wish Teppei all the best in 2010 ~
and I hope all my wishes will come true!