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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23, 2012

I had quiz for the Business class today. I'm so happy that I could answer so many questions and gained many points for my team. My teammates were very happy and this was the first time that I could get so much attention from the whole class since I've graduated from the high school.

That feeling....that feeling of being looked up to is really happy. I really hope one day I can achieve my dream so I can be proud of myself. It has been very long since I was so satisfied with myself and today is the day where I'm satisfied with myself again. I'm gonna work harder to achieve my dream.

Gambatteh ~~~

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19, 2012

First of all, I would like to apologize to those who care and love me. I'm really sorry that I've let you down. Yes, this time I've passed my business but I failed law. Thanks to the Teacher Lee for your help and I really appreciate it. I really feel embarrassed that you had to call me to ask about my result. It's not that I didn't want to call you but I don't know what to say. Sorry, I've let you down. The next person that I would like to say sorry is to my mom. You have given me a lot of support and everything and yet, I've failed you. Sorry, mom. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me for my incompetence. Anyway, life goes on. I feel really down recently but I'll try to overcome everything. Reeve, 你长大了! 加由好吗? 不要放弃, 我知到你可以的!!!