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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy 19th Birthday

Hohoho, it's already my birthday ~~~

My 19th birthday ~~~~ I didn't have grand celebration though. Went to pray in the early of the morning and then I went to CC to play Dota with my friend. We won the game although we were planning to leave game at first, lol. I think it's because today is my big day, haha.

After playing Dota at CC, we just went home and yea, lols. Didn't do anything but stayed in my house until now. Hahahaha.....

Eh, i have nothing else to say......well,


1 more hour to go until Yamada Ryosuke's birthday :) Happy Birthday, Ryosuke ~~~~

Thursday, May 5, 2011

3 days until my birthday

Yeah, 3 days more until my 19th birthday! Happy Early Birthday to myself!!!!

Hahaha, I'm really happy and feeling worried at the same time because exam is 10 days after my birthday!!!! It has spoiled my mood....seriously, argh, why every time my birthday is very close to examination?

Thinking back of past, I would be so happy jumping around waiting for my birthday when I was in my high school life because exams weren't important back then but it's so damn important now!

I really miss my elementary lifestyle. After schooling, I would follow my mom to her work place and then we went back to home together around 4pm. Once I reached my home, I would take out my PS and played for 1-2 hours!!! Hmmm? Homework? I got it done while I was waiting at my mom's working place! Hehe, it's really a sweet memory ~~~

Well, haha. Don't be worried! I know I can pass all the papers!!! Gambatteh ~~~

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2 Weeks until A2


I'm speechless. Nothing to say. 14 days until exam....hohohoh....God bless....

Gonna stay in college to study for the whole day tomorrow!!!!

Gambatteh, myself (T.T)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

17 days until A2 Examination

Exam is getting so close....sigh!

17 days until A2 examination but next week is my birthday already ~~~

This exam really spoils my mood T.T

ARGH!!!! I miss the good old days which exams weren't really important ~~~~