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Monday, September 27, 2010

Faggot Man

Aren't you ashamed to call yourself as a leader of a family?

You've been sitting in the house for the whole day while your wife working at outside for the whole day. You even scolded her because you thought she didn't buy you a dinner when actually she did?? Don't you feel sympathy or grateful to her walking under the rain just to buy us a dinner?

As a man, shouldn't you buy a dinner for your wife when you aren't working? It's ok if you don't but please don't scold your wife whenever you like and whenever you feel like want to. I don't know what kind of human you are. Keep ranting how hard your work is and keep saying you won't be working as contractor in your next life. That also if reincarnation does exist.

OH MY GOD!!! What job can go back to house and interrupting your sons at 2p.m? What job can go back to watch dramas whenever you feel want to? Every job has its own difficulties and not only contractor. If you feel so bad being a contactor, then just be a cleaner in your next life so you don't have to use your brain to work.

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