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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cosplay Event

DONE at last! It's super tiring to upload all the pictures one by one!

I went to a cosplay event on last sunday and had an opportunity to take pictures with so many handsome and pretty cosplayers ~

Haha, I don't look very good compared with them. It's ok. I'm gonna show all the pictures although I look ugly in them.

Hehe, soldiers from Star Wars. They were so cool!

This soldier looks very familiar to me ~ I think I've seen him in a game or somewhere else.

All the anime characters assembled together ~~~

COOL! I love this picture the most. From left to right: Kaname, Shiki and Rima. They are characters from Vampire Knight! Too bad Yuuki and Zero weren't there (T.T)


Itachi Uchiha from Naruto. That cosplayer looked too young to be Itachi. I thought he was cosplaying as Sasuke at the first sight but he's actually cosplaying Itachi because he's wearing Akatsuki uniform. This cosplayer was quite good-looking.

Kurosaki Ichigo from Beach!

Tamaki from Ouran High School. He was the winner in cosplay competition.

I've no idea who he is. Yes, "HE". Although the character was a girl but that cosplayer was actually a guy.

The battle between Bleach and Star Wars.

MISA!!! That girl was holding a death note!

A character from Star Wars?


LOL, a mage? Which anime is this character from? Simply took a picture with him :P

Harry Potter on left hand side. Terui Rui on the right hand side (from Kamen Rider W).


This cosplayer was very funny. He kept showing pose all the time.


Darth Vader

Darth Vader tried to save his laser sword battery.

Scary, huh?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tadaima ~

Tadaima~ I'm back ~
Oh, a great hug from Teppei because I'm back? ~~~

Has been a month since my last update. It's time to update my blog ~

Actually, I don't feel motivated to update my blog like I used to be. My blog is very quiet now and I really get annoyed with my computer screen. Before updating it to Window 7 which was XP, my computer screen was widescreen. Now, it has changed to "narrow" screen (?), lols.

Teppei wallpaper that I'm using now was designed to fit in my widescreen computer with two teppei(s) on the side while one teppei at the middle. Now it has become totally a mess. Arghhhh.

Ergh, there are lots of pictures that I want to post on my blog but I've lost my cable (T.T).

BTW, WaT has released a new single ~ Hooray! Can't wait to get a copy ~