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Monday, March 29, 2010

First Day in College

As expected, I have failed to make friend with anyone today. College life isn't that fun. It's not that good as I thought. I've been silence for whole day. It's so boring! I don't feel like going to college anymore but I have no choice. I hope tomorrow will be better. Actually there are lot of things that I want to say but I feel very down so I don't wish to talk much.

Last line:
College life is horrible, miserable and terrible.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Kamen Rider Decade :)

I've just finished watching Kamen Rider Decade and it's superb.

Kamen Rider Decade, he looks very cool and I'm totally in love with Kamen Rider Decade! I wish to buy a Kamen Rider Decade figurine!

Kamen Rider Diend - Kamen Rider Decade's comrade. My second favourite!

Kamen Rider Decade Final Form

Old version of Kamen Rider, the oldest version of Kamen Rider was born in 1948

New Version of Kamen Rider

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Adorable Cheeks

I'm hereby proudly present Baby Teppei ~

What adorable cheeks he has!

It's so puffy, creamy, juicy and softy.

His cheeks are just like little buns! A very oishii little bun ~

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII

Yesh, another great production from Square Enix, Final Fantasy XIII has been released and this version of Final Fantasy looks very promising compared with the last one (FFXII).

The characters are very cool unlike the previous one. It's has been long time to see such a good quality characters since FFX (Yuna's version). Aye, I really feel like want to try this out immediately!

This version of FF is just like the combination of FF8, FF9 and FF10. By using a weapon called "Gunblade" which is FF8's main character's weapon, "Eidolons" a name for classic summoned creature in FF9 and female character shines more just like Yuna in FFX (10).

Lightning, the female protagonist looks very different with the previous version of female protaganists. She seems very strong and cool which is very different with others that usually are innocent, happy-go-lucky, cute, and feminine. IMO, Lightning is just like the combination of Tifa and Lulu. She seems as strong as Tifa but she lacks of charisma that Tifa has and always grumpy and very cool just like Lulu. LOL, anyway, it's just my opinion and I really hope to know this character better. She is just pretty and cool which is very different with my favourite Yuna, innoncent and cute ~

Hehe, I've read the storyline and it seems very interesting! Looking forward to play this!!!! xDDD

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I just feel like want to share this clip because Teppei is very cute in here...hehehe...

And they sing very well too ~


Don't misunderstand!

This is not drawn by me....( I hope it was)

I found this drawing while surfing net...

Hehe, this is a Teppei drawing ~

This drawing is very cute and very nice just like the real person!

Teppei Koike <3333333333333333

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Teppei Pictures

I cant sleep because I'm worrying the SPM result, therefore I decided to post up some pictures to make myself calm down!

Here we go~

A close-up picture!

5 little cute seals!

Thinking of something, eh?

A wink from Teppei ~ I'm fainting ~

LOL...piggy mouth?

Haha, this is very cute + funny + SEXY!

Performing synchronized swimming ~

Burning HOT!!!

"O" Mouth...lols

Bigger "O" Mouth

Let's see what is our talented boy doing....

He swings himself many times and not only 1!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Day Before Getting SPM Result

Time to stand still...

Time to face it...

Time to accept it...

Everyone has different feelings at this moment...

Some of them are full of confidence just like Luffy...

Some of them are feeling nervous just like Zoro...

Some of them are feeling sad just like Sanji...

Some of them are feeling happy just like Nami...

Some of them are feeling inferior just like Usopp...

Some of them are feeling worry just like Chopper...

Some of them are feeling angry just like Vivi...

Some of them don't feel anything just like Carue...

Some of them feel shocked just like the Camel...

And me, I've many feelings mixed inside...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Shibatora SP

I just got the Shibatora SP download link from a Teppei's fan two days ago. It's something suppose to be excited but I feel frustrated instead because the download speed was very slow!

It requires 10 hours until the completion of downloading and usually the download speed will be going up and down but it stopped there and the download speed was slowly decreasing!!

I just got very mad and I will be never able to finish downloading this clip if that problem is still going on.

GRRRR....downloading needs a lot of patience ~ and I'm losing my patience....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Messages To Taiwan Fans

This is a testing.

I never posted any video from my computer so I just tried this out and succeed!

But I wanted to post a clip about Teppei and Wentz during off screen. It was so funny and I think it was too big for me to post it up.

So, I'll find a way and maybe I can cut it into parts so I can post it up ^^

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Beware of Dog

As usual, everytime I went to a dinner at my grandpa's house (father's side), something unhappy must be happened on me.

I really feel tired of this. My 6th uncle has a habit enjoys seeing other people feel irritated or sad. He likes to make other people's children cry. I really wonder what does he feel if someone does the same to his children.

God is fair. What he did to me yesterday might be returned to him sooner or later. What for came to me and disturbed me when I was chatting with other? Was it fun? Absolutely NO.

Was it fun to cut into other people's conversation and then said something stupid and doesn't make sense with annoying voice?

Was it fun to put your arm on my shoulder and leaned on me? I bet he doesn't know how heavy he is.

Was it fun to answer my question with his stupid theory although I didn't ask him?

Was it fun to say something offensive to other?

Stop making stupid joke already. Actually it's not stupid joke but criticizing. Can you expect your uncle to say this? "I wanna to hire you to brush my house's floor. I can save money from buying sand paper" because my face had pimples on. He even commented my bro's car isn't for human to drive because it's very old. Are these the words suppose to come out from an elder? But then, he is just a guard dog that will only bark at own people. Last time, I heard he had a conversation with his boss i guess. He acted like a dog. What a moron.

I must say God is fair and he will get what he deserved.