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Saturday, January 19, 2013

19th January, 2013

I'm very sad again. This time without a reason. I don't know why but I feel happy sometimes and very sad after that. My mood swings up and down and I cried several times on bus this month.

I really don't know what is happening.....

Sigh...please....someone.....help me! I really want to be away from my home for few days.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15th, 2013

I attended the night classes today and just came back home. It was awesome and much better than the full time classes because those suckers weren't there. The classes were very quiet and peaceful. Those part time students are maturer and they only started to joke after the class and NOT  during the class. 

My friends and I have decided to attend part time classes instead of full time. Although I feel very tired but I'm satisfied. I'll attend part time classes again tomorrow and hope there will be something good waiting for us. :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14th, 2013

Why do people always have to say something to hurt me? Since when I was being disrespectful? I've been quiet listening to all the lessons and I've never once interrupted the class while it was going on. How am I being disrespectful? Compared with others who like to talk while the class is on, charging the phone, bickering with each others and etc.....

Since when I always absent? If not because there wasn't any lesson being taught in the class but something else that wasn't related to the studies at all. 

I've told you that I'm not interested from the day one. It was you who kept insisted on that I should join. Do I have to remind you what you have said? 'You don't want to join? Then what do you want to do sitting there? Staring at our faces? I don't care. You'have to participate!"

I don't know what to say. I've been good in the classes for the whole time yet, I'm labelled as bad influence. Hello!!! I just don't want to participate in that event!!!! Is that a sin? Come on, 99% of the attendees were Indians and what do you expect from me? Even people do stare at me every time I go to college like I'm a rare species. Just put yourself in my shoes, what would you feel if people around you speak in Chinese and they don't care your existence? When the attention is given, it's like 'Who is this black sheep?' Do you like it? Just like your people see me as an alien. 

Is it too much for me wanting to pass the examination peacefully? Why can't I do my business quietly and peacefully? I just want to pass and graduate and have a stable job. Why do people have to demotivate me when every time I'm motivated? I'm tired. I'm really tired. 

Robin, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Franky and Brooke......please.....help me......