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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29th February 2012

With a blink of eyes, it's already March. I feel like it just turned 2012 yesterday.

I've just finished watching this drama. It's very nice. I like Linda Chung here although she is quite annoying at certain time. It's a waste that she doesn't end up with Ron Ng and living alone in Australia.

Actually, the storyline of this drama is quite similar to my family problem. Hahaha...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

4th February 2012

I just came back from my aunt's reunion dinner at her house. Many of my cousins were there and I enjoyed that moment!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2nd February 2012

My brother just told me that my father was complaining about me not giving him money although I got my salary already.

I'm really speechless, haha. Why didn't he tell the world that I've treated him a dinner? Why didn't he tell the world that I bought him a watch? (although in fact, it was bought my mother and she just told him that it was bought my me.)

Seriously, I'm really speechless. I just got RM800 for my salary and not RM8000. I already treated him a meal that's like RM50++. My salary left RM750 and I still need to repair my com. My DVD room has spoiled, so do my speakers and I just replaced my broken mouse. Not to mention, I bought myself a pair of glasses and also some winter clothes to get ready for going to China. RM750 isn't that much because a pair of glasses costed me RM100 and each winter clothes are about RM100.

I treated you a meal, you didn't say that. I 'bought' you a watch, you didn't say that. What I got in return is complain, complain and complain? You complaint about the watch is cheap watch and actually it's not. It's RM200 watch and my mom just bought it while it was offer...and even it's a cheap watch, can you show some appreciation? I don't own a bank. I don't photocopy money!!!!