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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

28 December 2011 - Cloudy Day

Somehow I feel like my future is very uncertain. Somehow I feel like I'm useless and this world is very cruel. Somehow I feel like I'm alone and nobody willing to be my companion.

2011 is going to end and looking back it's an awful year. I wanted to learn Japanese but I didn't take any actions. I wanted to get my driving license but I've no money. Yes, I've worked for two months but I need to keep it to pay for my examination fee in May. I don't know why I'm taking these papers when I don't even have confidence in myself.

There are too many worries. My height. My family problem. My studies. Financial problem and a lot more is troubling me. Out of these problems, you may think my height is just a peanut matter but well, for you maybe, yes. To me it's very important. I feel very sad whenever I go out and people around me are taller than me. I just want to reach 170cm. Is it very over? Yes, Yes, Yes. I know there are many people are shorter than me. I know that and I kept telling myself that but what can I do if I still feel sad about it?

Very soon, I'll be 20 and I'm good at nothing. I really don't want to be a failure and live as a 'main character' but I feel like I'm destined to be a supporting character or worse, just an extra. Gosh, I just hope 2012 will be better and I need to gain my confidence. But...what should I do?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

17 December 2011 - Sunny Day

The blog owner is back to update his blog again!

Since it's very hard to think of a good title for every post, I have decided to put it as a date together with weather on that particular day. I'm gonna put a title if there's a title that I can think of but if no, then just date and weather. You know, it's very hard to come up with a title on random post just like the one I'm writing now.
