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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Old Thief

Today is 31st december of 2008. Meaning, this is the last day of 2008. :)
Therefore, I'm going to countdown at night.

Yesterday I asked my father to give me back my handphone on today so i can use it tonight to call my friend. Without my handphone I can't contact my friends at all. When my mom helps me to ask my father to give back my handphone, wahh...his face turned into black immediately and very harsh to ask "WHY?"

My mom replied that tomorrow i've to go to countdown so give me back FOR A DAY ONLY. He quickly asked if he gives back the phone to me then what would he use? My mom said you can use the old one. He said Noonononono! I've to work it's very troublesome if I got no handphone.

Reeve: I wonder if he got brain inside his head. Firstly, that is my handphone. It's nothing wrong if I want back my phone when I need it. Second, I only want it for a day! Why need to reject my request? I gave you to use my handphone for months but you can't give it back to me for a day? Third, if you know that old phone isn't working properly then why you changed it to me? You are really a "good" daddy! You're better than thief!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas is coming

Phew...it's been long time I didn't update my blog. Nobody is here anymore. Eveyone is gone. I think I've to make my blog alive back once I'm free.

Christmas is coming so I don't think I can make it.....Let's see...whenever I'm free, I will update something for you guys.

P/s: My dad took my phone and I'm using an old phone. So I cant post any nice pictures for you guys. Just hope I got new phone one day. ^^